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Crowdfunding Fast - Any Purpose With Just 2 People

Have you ever heard of Peer to Peer Crowdfunding yet?  

You surely will soon as the new IMPACT101 Crowdfunding System is taking the internet by storm going global and already active in 103 countries worldwide. 

You may already know that if you use any of the conventional crowdfunding platforms, you will need to draw in hundreds or perhaps thousands of people to engage in your select campaign(s) to make it's funding a success. By using the new IMPACT 101 Crowdfunding System, a peer to peer platform, you really just need two people to make it totally self funding generating all the donations you can handle. 

How does it all work? With a unique stair step donation grid structure that is pure genius.  

The company that has developed the IMPACT101 Crowdfunding System, is an IT company from Canada named QRGL Marketing Inc. They are a world leader in providing mobile landing pages to businesses to help increase their exposure and revenue.  

Frank Servedio, President at QRGL Marketing Inc. and his business partner Hans Looman collectively put their expertise in technology and marketing together to create the IMPACT101 Crowdfunding System Platform. 

You can become a member with IMPACT101 by choosing a 6 month membership for $25 to start or choose a 12 month membership for $40. The lowest cost donation grid that you can start with is just $40 USD. 

Your IMPACT101 Crowdfunding System Membership provides you:  

- A fully customized IMPACT101 Crowdfunding mobile landing page to promote your cause/campaign to generate fast financial donations for any purpose.  

- A personalized IMPACT101 Crowdfunding website for your all your marketing needs.  

- An IMPACT101 Crowdfunding campaign builder to build and promote your cause/campaign easily.  

- An  IMPACT101 Crowdfunding back office that's state of the art that tracks all of your activities in real time. 

Keep in mind that peer to peer (or person to person) crowdfunding platforms and campaigns are totally legal and acceptable in every country and jurisdiction in the world. 

It's also the #1 rated accepted and best method for people to raise financial funds through donations for anything and everything they want to raise funds for period. 

The Impact101 Crowdfunding System for Success is a proven platform that will get you the results you want and deserve. The Impact101 Crowdfunding System is masterfully designed to rapidly build your team starting with really just two people to get donations flowing to you quickly. 

The true secret is the Impact101 Crowdfunding promotional videos that do all of the explaining for you.  

All that you really have to do initially is to reach out to somebody you know and ask them a simple question... 

QUESTION - I've found a way that a lot of people are receiving a lot of donations very quickly. If I sent you a short video would you watch it?  

ACTION -  The share your Impact101 Crowdfunding System promotional link to your site and your mobile landing page with them so they can see the VIDEOS that explain everything.  

What Do You Like Better... Giving Or Receiving? IMPACT101 CROWDFUNDING Peer To Peer Allows You To Do Both Easily! 

See how really simple the entire process is? It's the easiest platform for crowdfunding ever created! 

You can repeat this process over and over as often as you like because you don't have to stop with just two people either. In fact I have also been asking the question... 

 "Do You Know at least 2 people... that could use a Financial Donation very soon?' 

Most people will agree that they do indeed know at least 2 people that can use some help financially. They might also look at that same question and think to themselves that they too could use some help financially from donations as well. 

See my personal review and case study that I did as a new member to the Impact101 Crowdfunding System from my Travel USA Discounts blog article that I recently published. 

My biggest surprise that I encounter as a new Impact101 Crowdfunding member was the automatic spillover in donations that I received with 12 hours of being a member. I didn't even sponsor anyone in yet either. 

That donation spillover effect totally shocked me, but it also confirmed that this Impact101 Crowdfunding System is the real deal and works fast.  

That surprise also motivated me to share my review and case study with everyone I know.... including you! 

Brian Hingst 

Travel USA Discounts

This article was published on 19.02.2019 by Brian Hingst
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