Look How far youve come...
Thats what I was told recently, Ive been through some really hard times and its really a journey and an adventure at the same time.
Just think of all the problems you face, not enough money,not enough time, not enough.....when is enough enough?
Just remember there are people who would love to have our problems. Our problems are surmountable, we can get over them with hard work, determination and love of our fellow human being,not just the family pet.
I was bashing away at a keyboard daily, hunting, searching...literally I was time wasting, it was taking me all day to do what should only take me a few hours. My scattergun approach was getting me everywhere I didnt want to go, talking to people who really didnt want to know anything about me they just wanted me to buy their stuff.
I was procrastinating, getting distracted by the lure of what was going on over there...must be better than whats going on over here..
My desk was littered with business cards, constant relationship building, emotional connections, signing up for free stuff I still havent even downloaded. In fact Ive just been scrolling through my emails and downloading non existent content and getting the 404 page error.
My computer must have three hard drives now, full with e books on this system, pdf's about those email funnels, videos on how to get the ...you know the ones?
Its time to have a dump...not the one youre thinking of.....time to have a mind dump...a clear out. My mental hard drive is full and time to filter out all the noise.
Ive filled myself with junk... I've rid my mind of junk, my belly is rid of junk and the junk media is gone..I've applied filtering and focusing to everything, a laser focused attitude using techniques thats now getting me the results I'm looking for without spending all day doing it.
I'd like to share what I've done and how I've done it with some of you...who's up for it..
Join my new Facebook group >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/1511922535537703/
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