The Green Rush - a unique network marketing opportunity
Imagine being part of herbalife, forever living or avon at the very beginning but based on products that are life changing for many people.
That's what this opportunity is in the CBD marketplace.THE MARKET
This is an international opportunity where the global market expects sales of £19B
In the UK alone, the CBD market is expected to grow from £300M to £1B by 2025 (bigger than the Vitamin D and C market combined).
With the various misconceptions that still surround CBD, we are partnered with charity ECHO to spread awareness and provide access to the extensive A-Z library of studies with CBD.
You may not even have heard of it, but our bodies have an endocannabinoid system that relies on cannabinoids such as CBD to maintain homeostasis (balance).
It’s fascinating stuff and this video explains simply why CBD is important for wellbeing.
They come in a growing range of oils, topical creams, essential oils, vapes and more.
They are of the highest quality and purity.
Each batch is tested 3 times through-out the cultivation process - Triple Lab Tested
Full analysis is available online which guarantees the CBD content. A recent report in June 2019 criticised high street brands as not containing the labelled amount, if any CBD at all, after testing.
So, in summary; the company is the pioneer in CBD products, they provide a wealth of information in terms of research through the charity Echo, the products are quality controlled, and our bodies use them to maintain wellness.
It’s truly a booming, emerging market which means there is a huge earning potential whilst helping many people improve their health.
There is a low entry cost and a monthly minimum income guarantee of £2000+ (US$2500) that can be generated within 120 days.
With many other incomes streams to learn about and other benefits, if youd like to be involved, get in touch so we can have a chat via a zoom webinar.
This way we can show you more about the company, the products and the remuneration.
And if you're wanting to look at the products or try them
Just contact me on my email below
Best Regards
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