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Tips For Success Working With MLM Cold Market Prospects


You know your cold market prospects are much more available than warm market ones?

But are you embracing your MLM cold market?

If you are not aware, your MLM cold market can deliver you the success you are looking for, unlike warm market for most people.

Today I will share with you why I took off using cold market, and the several benefits it haves.

The rest, is up to you.

How I Had Success With MLM Cold Market

Cold market prospects, unlike warm market, do not know you.

They do not hold prejudice towards you like your friends do.

What I discovered once I began working cold market (started with genealogy leads), is that people just assumed I was successful because I was calling them.

Even my very first signup told me later, she believed I had been doing it for years. Amazingly, the prejudice of a new person, was avoidable after all.

I simply just dialed one lead after another, talk to more and more people, and had 24 new signups in just 20 days. Setting me up for bigger opportunities inside my team.


How Do I Find MLM Cold Market Prospects?

This is the simple part.

But do not get overwhelmed.

Start off with a plan, and build your way up to where you are prospecting thousands a day (in some sense)

1. Genealogy Leads - this is the easiest way to have new people looking at your business everyday. Takes no experience to get them, and helps to avoid the prejudice.

You can get MLM genealogy leads for the rest of your life at no cost by USING THIS GENEALOGY SYSTEM that will actually give the leads to you as you need them. No other system gives the leads, they have you generate them only.

2. Paid Advertising - Always use at least one paid advertising source when you are building your business. Paid advertising will bring quick results, but will stop working when you stop paying.

Pick one paid strategy and when you have mastered it and are at least breaking even on the cost, then consider keeping it, but adding a 2nd strategy on top of it. Continue til you have as many in place as possible.

3. Content Creation - Just like writing these business announcements on MLM Gateway, you can build an audience, following, and team through content creation.

It becomes the most powerful of all, but takes time. Content will bring leads for many years after you do the work. It also brings pure profit from it's sells. 

Consider creating your own blog, videos and writing new articles on various platforms like this one. If you do this on a regular basis, and challenge yourself to do more and more of it, you will later begin to see results coming in on top of what else you are working on.

Getting Higher Results With MLM Cold Market

Here are a few tips to help you increase your numbers when working with MLM cold market prospects.



Say Less To More People - True. If you want to get more people on a presentation, that actually show up, you need to tell more about it and leave them curious as to what it is about.

Always Be In A Hurry - People like to work with busy people. Even when you are new, find a reason to be in a hurry and avoid answering questions and vomiting information to prospects. 

Be Willing To Walk Away - When someone gives you the cold shoulder, or acts like they want you to work hard on prospecting them, be ready to just walk away. It will turn a few of them back on to listening to you instead of trying to give their image what they think it needs. For those who let you walk away, they will regret it later.

Watch What You're Posting - Nothing screams amateur more than someone crying on Facebook about their problems. Or, nothing will turn off a prospect who goes to your profile and sees you acting like a fool. Watch what you post and only post professional things, and look like a professional.

Stay Consistent - Huge tip. If you stay consistent with calling genealogy leads, running paid ads, and creating new content, you will begin to pull in larger numbers. Consistency is what makes it all work to it's full potential.

Did This Help?

Please leave a comment below with your thoughts on cold market prospecting. I welcome them all and hope to connect with you here on MLM Gateway. Just send me over a connection request and I will accept it.

P.S Be sure to check out my official blog and latest post titled How To Have Success Using Your MLM Cold Market - grab your free copy of 20 WAYS TO GET LEADS while you are there!

This article was published on 30.07.2018 by Jaye Carden
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