Sitting On A Plane, Launching A Company, Wondering Why!
I’m sitting on a direct flight from Philly to Dallas getting ready to launch a brand new Network Marketing company and I can’t help to wonder why. Let me be clear, I’m not wondering why I’m doing what I’m doing but I am wondering about all these people on this flight. You see the flight is full, It’s a Sunday afternoon and I hear a lot of them talking about the dread of going back to work tomorrow. It makes me wonder why so many do so many things they hate to do.
We can kid ourselves and say we want to do rewarding work. We can tell ourselves that everything would be so much better if we just had a job that we liked. Let’s all be honest, work is work and we all would rather be doing something else no matter how much we liked it.
This brings me to my next point. We work to make money. It’s not about doing something we love. It’s not about some kind of higher calling; it’s about making money.
I really do like what I do, but do you think I’d rather be sitting on a sold out flight from Philly to Dallas on a Sunday and being away from my family? NO, I’m doing it to make MONEY!
We all need money and the more we have the better our lives will be if we are smart. Having some or more money really does boil down to three things. Most people only ever do two of these and that is why they continue to struggle. That is why they live paycheck to paycheck.
Want to get off that merry-go-round? Here are the three things you need to focus on.
1. Spend Less
2. Save More
3. Earn More
Sounds simple right? Well, do you know most people that really try to change their financial outcome only ever accomplish the first two and they only accomplish them for a short period of time?
Why? Simple, spending less is no fun and saving is impossible if you don’t spend less. The only way the first two things work is if you can master number three. Here’s some bad news, you won’t do it working for someone else unless you are on a commission only compensation model.
So the answer is to find something part-time. Find something that you can get really good at. Did you notice I said get good at, not something you love?
So now you are saying “Jeff, that’s why I joined a Network Marketing company.” Great move, but are you making any real money? Why not? I know exactly why, you aren’t any good at it and I bet it’s not your fault. If we spoke on the phone, I could probably tell you within 5 minutes why you are struggling. I also could tell you exactly what to do to change it. As much as I like to help people, I don’t have time to talk with everybody. However, I have set up a website that will help you get what you want.
There is no charge. There is no opt-in. There is just a period of time you must invest in yourself to get over the hump. How much? About as much as watching one episode of your favorite television program.
If you can do that, then we can talk if you want to. Honestly, I will give you all the info you need to succeed in most, if not all network marketing companies. Go to NO MLM HYPE now. Your future finance’s depend on it. Also if you want a FREE Ebook that will really open up your eyes about network marketing send me an email an put in the subject line “I Want To Succeed” I’ll get it to you. Send that request to
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