The Sewer is Backing Up Fast!
Quick Call The Fixer! The Sewer is Backing Up Fast!
This Virus has overtaken everything. As a friend of mine says "Everything is Broken, Nothing is working." Jobs are being lost by the millions. Nobody is paying their mortgages. Nobody is paying or collecting rent .Shortages have plagued all the stores. We are basically prisoners in our neighborhoods, and homes. People are being arrested for going to their churches. One person was arrested by being alone on the beach. Who would have thought this is the way we all would be spending our time. What happens when we can no longer afford to buy food? What happens when we no longer get our Unemployment or Social Security checks. What if the economy fails? What if ? What if ? What if ? What if ? etc....
I personally am still very optimistic. We are a very adaptable and creative people and we can survive most things that we are confronted with.
That brings me to this Major Announcement!
Join us in an exciting, easy and simple way to receive up to 64 bitcoins a month!
Our link to a FREE to join page is below this information link…
UP2GIVE will help solve some of the worlds most obvious problems through the power of giving.
We now more than ever need a way to start helping one another. We need a way to become "Philanthropic".
UP@GIVE is exactly what we need and there is no other real solution .
Imagine a Platform with several partnerships that Provide such added values such as:
A "Giving Box" that provides for you to publish your needs, cause or goal to allow our universe to fund it along with you helping to fund others. This value will reward you and your family if all other means of survival disappears.
A Scholarship for Education through "Success Training Institute" certifications included.
Partnering with several high profile "Business Women" who will be bringing about several unique Health Products. This is 'To Be Announced' in the near future.
A Credit Card and Crypto-Currency Wallet provided by UULALA that would a be a way to help everyone use Fiat and Crypto-Currency seamlessly. This will be a tremendous value to the unbanked masses throughout the globe. I have it on good authority that the Vatican has just purchased 10 million UULALA Cards to give out and help the unbanked.
We are a new and timely Social Platform. Do not hesitate to go to Link provided and for a free sign up, to discover what you can do for others, and what UP@GIVE can do for you.
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