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Very Hungry and ready to become sucessful.

I would like to say thank you for having me. My company is now just really getting started up. My company name is 5 AM Workout Tee Shirts And Apparel, LLC I am still working on my online store I do have a website that is not up due to getting money to purchase my inventory. I am working with a company now to get the proper finance. Right now I am using different sites to just get some of my shirts out to the public to purchase I am using bonfire to showcase one of my designs on a sweatshirt I do have the copyright to all of my 5 AM logos, and also the trademark is in the works right now. Here is the link for bonfire. I have worked on try to get started since last March but ran into lots of issues with websites taking my money and never hearing from them again which has put my credit cards over the limit and halfway messing up my credit. But after all, that has happened with a couple of failures and other things it has only made me much more hungry to achieve my goals this year. My first vision is to have a great online store up and running making at least $500,000. Vision #2 I will find a way to get my 5 AM Tee Shirts, Hats and running sneakers in stores and make at least another $ 500,000 or more. And I have to take my business international. These are my goals this year. It sounds crazy but, I have no choice there is no plan B. If you have a plan B you will not do plan A, because you want something to fall back on, no me I want to fall forward, and yes if I fail let me do it big. But being able to get back up to me is the key to success or failure. I know tons of people do not believe I can do it, but my lord and savior Jesus Christ say all things are possible through him. I have 3 things I do every morning. Pray, Read my bible and yoga before I get ready for work my morning al ways starts at 5 AM each and everyday regarless how I feel that is my first goal be up and moving at that time to me that is grind time for me putting in the work for my day to be sucessful  this is my slogan( BELIEVE GRIND ACHIEVE) Ricky Thorpe
This article was published on 02.01.2019 by Ricky Thorpe
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5 AM Workout T-Shirts & Apparel - Tee Shirts & Apparel, Free to join

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Ricky Thorpe Grind Time  6 years ago

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