Why Should You look into this?
First, thank you.
Taking time from your schedule to read about my business or who I am is greatly appreciated.
I'm simple. I'm a full time real estate broker and mom of 3 awesome boys. I've been shopping with Melaleuca for the last few years and truly believe our health and nutrition starts at home. From our shampoos, to our makeup and vitamins, it is critical to ensure that we are healthy through and through. There are many chemicals in our essential items that we use everyday. How much of that is leading to cancers? Lung issues? The hard part is that many times, in order to be healthy, it costs a lot. How would you feel if the items that Melaleuca offers you are cost effective? Not only that, but they are all manufactured here in the United States. No outsourcing to outside countries for manufacturing.
I'm dedicated to helping others live the best lives that they can and I know that there are a lot of people who also need to earn an income. I've been introduced to many companies that focus heavily on the recruiting and offering products that are abnormally expensive. I don't have time to convince people that something works or doesn't. That's 100% up to the person who decides to promote this company. Many have brought home very real income, enough to pay off debt and change their life. There's no sales, and I think that is incredibly refreshing. Share the business, share the products and you will be able to see a difference in your life.
There are so many reasons why in 2021 we should start taking control. It's easy to just let the world pass you by and if there is anything that 2020 taught me, it's to have clarity. Vision.
I work a lot of hours. Real estate is one unforgiving industry. Long hours and time away with the hope that eventually you will get paid. I'm transitioning with the help of my peers to focusing on different aspects of life that I've been missing out on.
I'm not sure if you are in the same space as I am. Maybe you are stuck doing the same old thing and expecting a different result. I implore you to try to have the same clarity and evaluate what can be different.
This life is short in the grand scheme of the universe. I think while we are here, we need to create the most purpose. That will look different for each person but the good, love and kindness that we have amongst each other should all be the same.
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