Let's Make Wealth Real
Hi I'm Cedric Chance
First Just A Little About Myself
Born and raised in Augusta Georgia.
I've been married to Wendy Chance now going on 8 years in July 2019
I've been driving trucks for about 14 years.
I'm at the point now were I'm ready to retire early. P.S. I’m only 44
I have joined several businesses before that did not work out for me.
But then a friend of mine introduced me to MWR Financial’s Make Wealth Real.
I actually passed on it because I was busy promoting something else.
Eventually that something else just didn't work out.
So then I see my friend Dustin posting his accomplishments all over Facebook and I'm like let me take another look at this.
It was then I saw that this company was offering something real.
Something just about everyone and their Moma can use or needs.
(Something of value for people.)
When you think about it there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in America alone who needs what we have to offer.
What do we have to offer?
. An Instant W2 employee ”PAY RAISE”
. Credit Fix/Restoration
. Debt Elimination
. Private Reserve Accounts
. Land Banking
Our Certified Licensed Experts Will Handle The Rest
✅ My website will explain details
So our members will have access to their own team of Financial Experts and Private Consultations for no extra cost and no setup fees.
✅ These Services Also Cover Both Spouses Of Married Couples And Have Been Made Affordable At A low Monthly Cost.
How cool is that?
Now To Business
First let me tell you MWR Financial is a real company located in Ft. Lauderdale Florida and has an A- Rating with the (BBB) Better Business Bureau.
As a business partner we get paid daily commissions.
These commissions can change your life but you will have to look into our compensation plan for details as me placing a dollar amount here is not allowed.
But what I can tell you is that when you refer 3 reps and 1 customer your membership is free.
So please go to the website here --> MWR’s Make Wealth Real <-- to get more information.
My website consists of 3 videos one which is a team members presentation .
Thanks for taking the time to read.
Let's Team Up Grow Wealth.
Once you scroll to the bottom you will see a button to join.This takes you to our official website where you can enroll.