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If you'd asked me ten years ago if i'd ever consider Networking Marketing as the vehicle to grow my leadership skills & increase my business acumen, honestly, i'd have had to ask you if you were completely crazy? After all, my husband & I already own a successful contracting business, that we'd built from the ground up. We'd freed ourselves from the rat race & the all too familiar trappings of building someone else's dream. We'd risked moving half way around the world with our family, leaving our middle management corporate careers behind, in pursuit of building a better life. What benefits could Network Marketing possibly have to offer me?

Truth is, after time, the more successful your traditional business becomes, the more it actually begins to 'own' you. You become a slave to your success. After pretty much not taking a paycheck for the first five years, in order to reinvest & to ensure the longevity of the business, suddenly you find the business is established & grows steadily. As it does, overtime, you realize you've actually lost your 'freedom.' Ironic.....

So, fast forward a few years & I now find myself with 5 years Network Marketing experience behind me & that i've since become one of the biggest advocates for all of the amazing benefits that this industry has to offer. It doesn't discriminate over how well educated you may be, it doesn't care what your gender is, it has no interest in your background, current financial status or frankly whether you wear matching socks!! It has room for everyone; people just wishing to supplement the family income, those wishing to completely replace it & for those that dream BIG, the possibility to gain financial freedom & elevate their lifestyle beyond recognition. The most valuable asset to me though, is that Network Marketing gives us all the ability to experience incredible personal growth, far beyond that we would ordinarily acquire from our jobs or our traditional businesses. Out of Network Marketing, more LEADERS are born than from any other business sector. That in of itself is proof enough that you've come to the right place.

For those of you that think this industry is a 'get rich quick' scenario, think again. It requires dedication, dealing with rejection (starting out, roughly 1 in 10 people you speak to will be interested in what you have to offer. With experience this number improves), understanding that the 'NO's' might just mean 'Not Yet' & that with each no you recive, you're getting closer to your 'Yes.' That only 10% of those that join your business will become business builders, the other 90% will either become customers or will quit. That you can exhaust yourself trying to help some of your people to grow their business, if they're not fully engaged........ perhaps they will be later, just be there to support them when they're ready. There will be days when you'll wonder what the heck you were thinking & be on the verge of giving up. My advice is don't. You can always quit tomorrow, but for today, celebrate how far you've come. Even if your business doesn't reflect exactly where you'd hoped you'd be at this point in time, trust me, it will, as long as you keep moving forward. One step at a time. The only way to fail in this industry is if you quit. Everything else is just helping you to grow & improve, shaping you into one of the leaders of tomorrow. "Rome wasn't built in a day."

This article was published on 05.05.2016 by Jayne Mayer
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Jayne Mayer Sonia, I would be happy to share some advice on better strategies you could utilise to promote your business. Let me know if you'd like my help. No catch   8 years ago

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