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Want to make folks happy just $5 at a time? Read below to find out how!

Hello! My name is Katarina, and I sling bling. What's that? Selling jewelry of course! I have been with Paparazzi Accessories for almost 4 years..yes 4 years! I have numerous friends in MLM who start a business but when they aren't successful at first or decide to give up, I say look at me. Paparazzi sells itself. I am not a "salesperson." I am a wife, a mother, an entrepreneur.  I graduated from UNF with a Business Management degree, and spent over 20 years in "corporate America." A good part of that time was focused on customer service, and yes, sales. When I started getting ill after having my son, I wanted to find something I could do at home. To take care of myself and my son. I attended an online party, and was like this is some cute stuff for only $5, and nickel and lead free. I'm allergic to alot so this put my mind at ease. We have mens items, and our line for girls items are only $1. AND AFTER 8 YEARS WE HAVE ANKLETS! So I jumped on the jewelry train and here I am, still slingin' bling. Having your own business is alot of work. There is blood, sweat, tears, long nights, early days, etc..but that depends how you want to run with it. Some do part time and make some extra cash, some do full time and pay bills, go on vacations, etc. Paparazzi just listed a few more tiers including 6 and 7 figure earners. Does it happen overnight? NO. But, you can obtain an amazing and loyal customer base, streamline your business with all the technology we have today, and I get to make folks feel good about themselves $5 at a time. I had taken some interior design classes after I graduated. I loved it but had other things happen and couldn't continue. So, now I pretend I decorate people. Am I a 6 or 7 figure earner? Not yet. But I have obtained Director status and in 2017 Life of the Party Silver access. I would love to build my team and be the mentor I know I can be. The holidays are approaching also. $99 was the best money I ever spent as it has come back to me many times over. Please consider joining me on this bling train and make some extra money, form bonds with other consultants, and help people leave a little sparkle wherever they go. Start at to look around. The best consultants were first customers. If you're on FB my VIP site is called Kat's Real Deal $5 Bling Biz! Come 
This article was published on 05.08.2019 by Katarina Deal
Author's business opportunity:

Paparazzi Accessories - Jewelry, 99 USD to join

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