I used to work in IT � for a company called Shrader tire and oil this was my first real job doing something I had a passion for . So why would I give this up you ask? I started working here because I needed a job to have income coming in while my daughter was growing inside my wife because I needed to be what I thought any responsible adult would do. I loved what I did but nothing at any job was worth the time I sacrificed from my daughter. I quit when she was about 10 months old because I wanted to be in her life more. Learning that your time is the most valuable resource on the planet makes you want to use it for you and not to make other people richer then you.
I started a self employed job with Uber� it was easy to do and I made more money then where I was at. This gave me more hours in the day to spend with my daughter and I got to be around till she went to sleep. From here I kept at it looking for more ways to create an income from home. I have sense left Uber to continue to focus on what is most important to me.
I am now on the path to making a 6 figure income and having more free time ⏱ in the world then I would know what to do with. For me being with my family is everything. You have one life and only so many ways to do things right. Time is the most valuable possession we all have. It’s the only currency in the world that can not be returned to you. We are trying to break the cycle of working till you die. We want to bring people to the freedom they all deserve and can obtain. It is only a matter of time now before our team already helps 600 families in need do the same we are doing.
So now today I get to bring you training to show you the same things I have learned and the possibility to bring you down the same path I am on. Are you someone with the potential? If you want to know more type freedom below or sense this site might be different message me the same.
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