Earning unlimited upside income part-time or full-time!
Did you know about 60% of all people in the United States were covered by some type of life insurance in 2018, BUT:
1) Among those with life insurance, about 1 in 5 say that they DO NOT HAVE enough or have INFLEXIBLE and OUTDATED
2) Half of all adults visited a life company website and/or sought life insurance information, but DID NOT end up buying,
3) Consumers OVERESTIMATE the cost of life insurance, especially younger generations; the Millennials and Gen X.
4) Half of all consumers say they are more likely to purchase life insurance if priced WITHOUT a physical examination.
5) Majority of Americans who are covered tend to have life insurance that is NOT CUSTOMIZED for them.
Have you always wanted the independence of working for yourself but have been too afraid of the risk?
Fear no more! We have a business opportunity for you to be in business FOR yourself, but never BY yourself. For many years we have ranked the highest amongst our competitors in the financial marketing sector, providing not only customer life insurance policies, and free consultations to our members/clients on financial education! Our nationwide team of experienced field trainers are with you each step of the way. You will learn our secrets to success and build your new business according to our proven and time-tested strategies. From part-time to full-time careers, you will get the flexibility you desire, no matter where you are in your life. We can help you leverage your talents and abilities to build your own successful financial services business.
What to expect:
-$125 lifetime registration fee (a reimbursable expense!)
-Part-time or full-time career
-Work from anywhere
-Extensive network/professional support/lifetime and career mentorship
-No prior experience needed/training provided
-No corporate resume
How we can teach you to help others to:
-Create and secure wealth for your present and your future.
-Create and secure wealth for your child’s future.
-Create tax-free retirement earnings.
-Create extra earnings to use for vacations and fulfill your dreams.
-Protect your investments from the recession and market risk.
-Secure funds for your child’s education so your child will not
be burdened with student loans after finishing college.
-Protect your retirement money from market crash and recession.
-Protect your assets when an unexpected life event takes place
-Receive tremendous income every year even after you retire and
you never have to worry about receiving social security benefits
which you know will never be enough.
So if you are ready to take the first step to financial freedom, I invite you to join us in our free webinar to learn how the money game works! Contact me today directly at sosimpleconsulting@gmail.com—
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