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You do what you do because that is what you want to do. You only care about yourself. That is why people don't buy from you. That is why people don't sign up to partner with you in business. Your company is set up and built around trends. And trends die. 

While a majority of the opportunities in the industry create a vacuum that brings on the numbers. The corporate leadership always wins because they know how to lie and manipulate the masses into working for them. They get a lot of people doing a little because that is all they have the skills to do. Regardless of the success level of those who kill themselves for the companies they represent. Every reason for failure starts somewhere. The question is can you identify it? Can you track it forward or trace it back?

  • Limitations - 1 or a few products or services that serve 1 or a few markets & industries. 
  • Saturation - everyone, everywhere in everything all doing the same thing.
  • Frustration - people are tired of getting let down by the industry as a whole. 

When your success is dependent on 1 of 2 things:

  1. The sale of 1 or a few particular products & services you're in trouble with your direct competition.
  2. The recruitment of others on a massive scale you're in trouble with the clock. 

When you're limited to 1 or a few products or services you have to cram that down everyone's throat and that makes it all about you and what you want. This is a massive downfall for multi tiered or multi-level business models. You have to force the sale of your limitations and nobody should have to put up with that. People do so because of the unecessary pressure, gas lighting and everything else that plays the part in manipulation. 

There is nothing wrong with being able to leverage lines of distribution. But when the requirements are to jump through a bunch of various hoops in order to see little to no success. That promotes this never ending cycle of jumping from one thing to the next. All in hopes of accomplishing success. 

The truth is this. If people spent more time properly building the know, like, and trust factors a majority of the train wrecks that happen in the industry wouldn't even happen. We have talked about the know, like, and trust factors for years. But I've added this. Credibility. If I can't come to know, like, and trust you as credible then I am not interested in doing business with you. It doesn't matter if I am buying or selling. If you can't say the same about me you shouldn't want to be doing business with me either. 

You fail because you're either trying to over use automation. And you're not making enough personal connections. Everyone is always in a hurry to do the nice, easy and sexy things that appear fun. But slow to ever do the things that really matter. Which are the things that absolutely make the difference between those who spin wheels vs those who actually produce those desired results. 

You fail because you do the exact same thing the exact same way that you've always done it. You get excited about a company, you do your weak research and you join because on social media you see that is what everyone else is doing. You spam the internet and then wonder why you don't get results. 

You post and spam platforms such as this. You approach quick to pitch and you want to get others to support you. And you never take the time to learn about anyone which is disrespectful. You fail to value the time of others. It's about you and them joining you. You don't care if they have to means or not. It's all about you and your business. It's all about what you're selling. They have to be interested in you and if they are not unfriended, blocked and ghosted. 

You fail because you failed to understand that it is a real human being you're dealing with. And because you don't know them you don't know what they are going through that may be hindering them or causing them to be hesitant. All you want is sign ups. 

You fail because the one or few people who would buy from you or would sign up with you don't give you buying signs. You fail because you simply don't want to earn anyone's business. Why? Because earning business actually takes work. 

You continue to fail because you've never taken the time to build a foundation and lay the ground work it takes to become successful. 

When you're ready to make a difference & change for the better you should consider a proper introduction to the home business space. Something nobody has really taken the time to do. When you're ready CLICK HERE

I have taken the time to create you a place online that is a one stop shop for all your education, opportunity and empowerment. CLICK HERE

This article was published on 30.09.2023 by Christopher Jerrod Wright
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CHRISTOPHERJWRIGHT - Education, Free to join
A place of education, opportunity and empowerment

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