Be A Beauty Boss
If you are passionate about beauty inside and out, then you would be perfect for Avon. Become a Beauty Boss for a $25 charge which will include a starter kit with brochures and samples to get you started. If you are thinking Avon is just make up, well I am here to tell you, that could not be further from the truth. Avon has grown so much in the last few years, yes Avon sells cosmetics, much much more then years ago and this allows you to service a wide variety of customers. Let me add that make up is not all we do. Skin care is also another part of Avon, with big names like ANEW, Skin So Soft, and Avon Solutions to name a few. Each skin care line provides a wide variety of products to meet the demands of all of your customers. Avon skin care lines have products for teenagers to the more sophisticated woman and each line targets a wide variety of skin care problems. Avon carries a fragrance line that just keeps growing, with scents for everyone. Lets talk Skin So Soft, we have a product regimen that is as easy as 1. 2. 3., let me explain, 1. Cleanse, this line gives you choices such as, shower gel, oil-infused foaming body wash or creamy body wash to cleanse your entire body. 2. moisturize, this line gives you choices like bath oil, gelled body oil and bath oil spray, for you to moisturize your skin, 3. Smooth, you have your choice of body butter, skin luminosity polish, dry oil mist, body lotion, along with a hair removal line that includes facial hair removal cream, body hair removal cream, moisturizing shave oil and silky stay shave gel. Every customer should have a choice of a variety of products to best fulfill their needs. Avon has a Moisture Therapy line for your skin, an Avon Senses line with a variety of scents to choose from for shower gel, body lotion and body spray, That is just a tip of what Avon offers for skin care but I want to give you more insight into how much more Avon offers like quality , clothing, shoes and accessories that are affordable. sterling silver jewelry as well as quality costume jewelry with designs to satisfy teens to adults. There is a home product line that includes home fragrance collections candles in a variety of scents along with tons of other things for the home. Avon also carries a vitamin and supplement line Espira. When your customers shop Avon they can also shop for a cure, with a line of breast cancer awareness products and with every purchase Avon donates a percentage to the American Cancer Society to help find a cure for breast cancer. Now with a company that offers so much and gives back so much as well how could you not be proud to say I am and Independent Avon Representative.
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