Devineman - new Business a new me?
Hi guys. So my name is Theo Devine I'm 27 and from Scotland been thinking of doing this for a while and now and I have finally set up my Shopify store.
Must have spent a good solid 40 hours or so just learning, picking products and trying to design my banner, collection images, I think so far the most mind-numbing thing is importing products using oberlo and having to delete almost all of the text that comes with it as its a mess.
Trying to think of one-liner product descriptions while deleting most of the product info. I think as usual with everything I try and do I'm overly ambitious I wanted to pick something I like and can know about so I picked men's fashion trying to focus on the current trends of the UK. Slim fit, tracksuits, shoes, sports jackets, etc just general affordable stuff not 300 pair of jeans or jackets and coats made of exotic cashmere wool.
I only so far have 260+ products listed with 150 sitting in my Impost list (ugh) but I'm going to get through this. I'm 27 and have been dirt poor my entire life and now I have 3 kids. When I was 16 I would tell meself "when I'm 20" il have money and of made something of myself. 20 came and went so I told myself when I'm 25 il be fine I won't be poor living in council housing barely getting by... Yeah, 25 came and went I actually celebrated my 25th in a homeless hostel in Glasgow. I have a ton of experience of just in general of the online world from being a recovering gaming addict I was pc gaming 24hs a day for years just throwing my life away but it was an escape from the grim reality of homeless, after spending about a year without a job I finally got a job working as a barman at a holiday park it was amazing and I was so ready for it.. I worked there for two weeks then COVID 19 came along and they made me redundant because I did not qualify for furlough.. So now I'm here. Maybe it's time to stop earning money from others and to start making money. Not sure what this post is about I suppose I just feel very alone in this endevoer. I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself to MLM and hope to make some valuable friends and contacts. Thanks for reading my total mumble
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