Become a Founder in a Ground Floor Beauty Company for $9!!
Everra Skincare and Cosmetics is a very rare ground floor opportunity that is available now to become a Founder in this business. We will be opening up our soft launch in the end of January. Until that date you can become a Founder for only $9.00! That is unheard of! Everra will be launching in the UK, US, Guam and Puerto Rico to start with many other areas added soon after we launch. If you have been in Network Marketing (or even if you haven't) you know the advantage of getting into an incredible company with an unmatched compensation plan at the very beginning is the best way to set yourself up for success. Can you only imagine if you had the chance to become one of the very first representatives for a company like Avon or Mary Kay? Here is your opportunity to join a company with only 3000 influencers in both the UK and USA combined. I have listed only a few of the key benefits of joining this amazing company in pre-launch:
* Receive INSTANT PAY on both your personal sales as well as your TEAM sales...THAT IS HUGE!
* $9 Founder position available only until January 26th ($19 after January 26th)
* Innovative and effective products sourced from Sweden made with the Red Love Apple
* Free website
* No annual or recurring fees
*An amazing team with great trainings, lucrative incentives and a true family vibe!
Everras first introductory anti-aging products are made from Redlove Apple Stem Cells! These products are science based, incredibly innovative & cutting edge technology! If you love your skin, you'll really want to try these! This is just the tip of the iceberg for what's coming! If you are looking to partner with possibly the most incredible beauty company ever to launch in direct sales...let's chat! Do not let an opportunity to join such a great company with such important core values as a Founder pass you by. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You are in the right place at the right time. If you have questions or would like to see information about the products we are launching on Jan 26th please email me at lipslashesandlids or check out our site at
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