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Crushing it in 2019

History repeats itself, and since the dawn of time it is a known fact that without "people" the world would be quite a boring place.

Like sheep follow, we too try to mimic and do as others do ... for one purpose and one goal, to provide for our families and make money to be free.

For many reading this article this may resonate with you or it may not, after all we have our own will and our own choices to make, the one thing that can never be taken away from the human soul.

It is for this reason, that I am sharing this article with you ... my failures.

Yes, since the digital age has become part of our lives, I tried many systems, many networks, many affiliate programs, and so on and I failed miserably. To such an extent that I thought there was something wrong with me. 

But ...

there is that "human spirit" inside man / woman that "never quits", that knows there is a solution and after you have slipped and "slid-den" down the hill that you were so sure "this was the one", that you find yourself looking within. So many questions ... "why" "what" "how" "where to now" "I'm a failure" and I can go on and on.

It is in this dark moment at the bottom of the hill that you know so well, that you contemplate and come to your senses that it is useless to be a "sheep", but to rise up, take stock, dust yourself off and realize that there is only one thing you can do ... 

Get up and Try again. 

There is NO such thing as Failure - the only Failure is to stop Trying.

I locked myself away and decided to spend my time learning skills as I had read so many times in "Rich Dad Poor Dad", "Think and Grow Rich", and "The 4 Hour work Week" to mention a few.

This time, I was going to focus my mind on my goals, my why and understood that "where focus (mind) goes, that's where energy flows".

This Announcement is not to convince anyone to join whatever I'm doing. It was a decision I made after long hours and months of learning skills from successful leaders and I forced myself to stop following media hype's on various network groups, that caused me to slide down my hill so many times - all my own doing - because I was not focused on my "Why" and my "Goals" and was very inconsistent in my daily chores, instead of implementing a cycle of:

1. Getting up earlier

2. Meditation & breathing

3. Exercise

4. Eating healthier

5. Completing my daily chores and ignoring interruptions

6. Finding like minded people on the same path and replicating their system

7. Set aside 1 hour to read

8. Set aside time to visit people (to listen to their problems & not talk about myself)

1st Day: that 1st day to implement this "time-table" was exhausting, but as I practiced doing this every day, the hill I started climbing wasn't a hill anymore. I was no longer stressed about how to make ends meet or pay the bills.

I often wonder how I couldn't see the answer that was right under my nose the whole time ... and knew that my body (made up of water) had to flow its course, the same as my finances. Rivers flow naturally and don't need me to make it flow, and that is exactly how my life, finances, friends and family should be. 

The problem had been me all along. 

I needed people that had huge dreams and big "Why's" and by focusing on the skills I learned from my mentors I simply implemented the same strategy by "replicating" and "duplicating" the way they do every day.

If you have read this far, I wish you all the success in your "Why" your "Goals" and your "Financial Freedom" for 2019 and beyond.

Never Quit !! 

Much Love

Kathy Harding

"There are 2 important Days in one's Life,

The Day you are Born and

The Day you find out Why"

This article was published on 29.01.2019 by Kathy Harding
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