The opportunity for South Africans
The Opportunity offered by the New Nation Education Company is only for South Africans.
Did you know that the 62 richest people in the world, have more money that the poorest 3.5 billion people on the planet? That is 62 people have more money than half of the world population added together.
As much as this may bother us, it is very difficult to help people that have a negative belief system. Someone once said “if you take all the money in the world and share it out equally amongst all the people, it wouldn't be long before it was all back where it started.”
So what makes one person RICH and another POOR?
1. It’s not that one child is born with a larger brain than the other
2. It’s not that one child is born into a rich family and the other is born into a poor family. Because some of the richest people in the world came from poverty.
3. We are all born with the same fearless approach and commitment to achieve anything we wish for in the world. We all know babies are fearless, but have you realized that every child is born with unwavering commitment.
4. How many times does a baby fall before it learns to walk properly, hundreds of times and with how much pain and ayna, Let’s be absolutely clear on this, the baby pays a massive price for wanting to walk, many hours of practice, lots of pain and suffering.
5. Do they give up. NO absolutely not, they keep trying UNTIL they succeed. The secret to success is then to keep trying UNTIL.
6. We also understand at that very young age the world is our oyster and we can have and achieve anything we desire.
7. So what changed? parents started to have this profound influence on what you could and should and should not do. “Gunther how many times have I told you kids not to play with sticks, you will end up poking each others eyes out, get to your room, I will deal with you later”. Fear
8. Your parents were the first to give you negative feedback, you can’t do that, you’re not good enough, it's to dangerous.
9. Then your teachers jumped in on the band wagon. “Wallendorf you will never amount to anything you are to damn stupid”.
10. And then society as a whole is just so negative that you started to tell yourself, well there are so many of them that they must be right, I can’t do this or I shouldn’t do it, it's to risky.
11. Over many years of negative influence, we become sheep
12. This is what we have allowed the world to do to us, but there is hope, because someone once said, ask and he shall receive, it’s a case of changing our belief systems back to what we were born with and knowing that we can.
13. Now don’t get excited, it’s taken you 20 – 50 years to get where you are, it is not possible to change back in one day, and this is where it all falls down.
14. When it comes to change, its human nature to resist we hate change, we just think it’s too much work, the reality is that everything is changing all the time so you better keep up.
15. The key to an easy transition in beliefs is to get rid of all the negative people in your life, no I don’t mean kill them, I just mean spend a lot less time with them.
16. Then you need to start selecting some new friends to fill the void in your life. But these new friends need to be people that will encourage you and help you reach your dreams, positive people.
17. Jim Rohn said “your income will be the average of the 5 people you send the most time with” you want to be blown away – do the calculation.
18. This means you need to hang out with people that are earning more than you, people that are where you would like to be, people that can teach you something.
19. So what makes one child a millionaire and the other live in poverty, people that become RICH have embraced the belief that they can have anything they want in life, they take ACTION and they get COMMITED.
20. Those that remain poor, have allowed society to tell them where they should be, they believe it and have long forgotten, that we create our own destiny.
21. RICH people are always looking for opportunity, when one comes along they take the time to do the research, they take ACTION and get COMMITED.
22. Poor people see the same opportunity, they say it’s a scam I will not waste my time researching it, I know it’s a scam. Just to lazy to do the research.
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