Christmas /New Years Special $997
WOW what a year. It went fast, but hasn't it seen our International Business Team Grow.
Like most people in business they tend to slow down for the next two weeks well we don't. We ramp up the marketing to make sure 2019 starts with a bang.
Each Year I like to have a theme for my business. "Year of Result 100"
So what does that mean? Each week I aim to have 2 people become their own boss and take back a little bit of control, without having to quit that job (because you need it to build any business)
In our business model we don't rely on a Downline to earn an income. On our own efforts with sale commissions of $1800-$5000 USD per sale ( you do the maths) we can afford to advertise effectively and not just use FREE Methods which generally take time.
The burning question I asked myself was how can we get more people using their JOB income to start building their own business, without having to pass up sales or qualify?
Start them at the bottom. So this Christmas and New Year we have an Amazing Price $997 USD ($500 Commissions).
Imagine if you can make 2 sales in 30 days, working part time, using a $5 Facebook advertisement, using your reasons as to why you started your home business.
People try to get tricking with marketing. There are millions of people who have the same reasons and fears as you. The work the same/similar job as you. They get red letters in the mail box that make you sick in the stomach and keep you tossing and turning each night.
You sell your emotions and reasons. So why do your want to be your own boss?
Tony Robbins talks about how people will pay to run away from pain, rather than pleasure.
My goal in 2019 is to show people how to use their fears, pains and frustrations to fuel the change they want in their life.
We weren't put on this planet to pay bills or be penned up like a chook being fed the same meal.
2019 is the time you ask more of yourself. Get a bit uncomfortable, drop the ego and be the change you want to receive. Life is to short to wonder what if.
If you want to learn how to turn your life around in 2019 and be paid your worth, makes sure you check out my website.
Have a great Holiday/Christmas Break.