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Get Paid to pamper yourself and everyone!!

Let me ask you…

Did you know you can start your business for as little as $35? What a bigger kit we got that to for $105!

Did you know that we get paid INSTANT commissions? 20-40% commission depending on your sales!! Monthly bonus is are available too!!

 Yup! And it gets better..let me answer the questions that I get asked most of the time

NO there are no monthly minimums, until you grow your team (we will chat more about that later) 

NO there is no inventory on hand required - Yep that is right you do not have to have any stock on hand.

NO there are no website fees -Yearly fee is included with the kit you purchase then only $10 for one year!!

NO this not a scam, it is a real job that I work real hours during the week. And get paid for my hard work.

NO there are no strings attached- Yep

You’re constantly giving, giving, giving. You give time to your family, your friends, your job, and if there’s any time left, you donate it other places, as well. But where is the time for you?

You deserve to take some time for yourself, too! You deserve to be pampered and taken care of the same way you pamper all of those around you. Perfectly Posh isn’t just about really great, naturally based products. Sure, we love those things, but what this big fun, crazy company is really all about is YOU!

We are inspired by women who embrace the idea that they DESERVE IT, whether they’re pampering themselves, their friends, or running their own pampering businesses. Take some time for yourself and indulge in a little pampering (or a lot)! You deserve it!

Cool thing about this opportunity is if you feel it’s not for you then you get an awesome discount on your Posh purchases moving forward. But I will be REAL honest if you find this business is something you love like the Poshy people I know then you will find that there are endless opportunities in this business that can be completely life changing for you and your family.

Our Core values are amazing!! We are Authentic, Sassy, Powerful and United!!!

I will be here every step of the way to help!! Perfectly Posh is just not another DS company We are a family and we love to help each other!! Our home office cares about all of us. We are not just numbers we are People and the recognize us for all our achievements!  They reward us with lots of rewards and they offer incentives that we are able to reach!!

Got questions? Just ask! Let's Chat today!!

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Checkout my website:  

This article was published on 09.08.2021 by Holly Rzeszut
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