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Five Things I wish I knew about Network Marketing

Well as everyone knows when you go into something new , if it doesn't initially go as smoothly as you expect then certain thoughts run through your mind.

I wish I hadn't done that

If only I'd known

Why didn't someone tell me that

Sound familiar!!!!

Well when I started in affiliate marketing I was following the way of my upline and started the old fashioned way, writing the list of 100, prospecting and going to hotel meetings. 

I had big ideas about going online but was told:

 "Online will take a long time"

 "Start with the 2 phone calls a day"

"Focus on building your team this way first then you can go online after" 

Well I wasn't prepared to listen and dived in head first.

I made some mistakes along the way and I may face some embarrassment but I will list some of them here if only to save others from making the same mistakes or repeating the "I wish I knew...."

My Top 5 "I wish I Knew"

1. I wish I knew what SPAM was. I just thought that was just unsolicited emails in my inbox about matters I wasn't interested in. But NO spam is more than that. Some of my facebook friends experienced my random messages with my referral link to my website. Yes that is SPAM, I don't do that anymore as I've since found out there is a better way through Attraction Marketing.

 2. I wish I knew that everyone is NOT a potential customer . I once heard someone say "a vegan is not going to be persuaded to buy beef (even from a skilled salesman)", so similarly everyone that breathes is not a potential customer. Wouldn't it be great if we could target those people who are most likely to want to buy your product. Well I've since found that we can do just that, there is a better way.

3. I wish I knew that network/affiliate marketing is not about me but about you the potential customer. This may sound hard, but if its all about me then I probably shouldn't be in this business. Someone once said "if you meet the needs of others you won't need to be concerned about yourself " . If you provide value and meet needs then what you have becomes extremely attractive.

4. I wish I knew that I should not plaster my company or my link all over social media. Once it's out there, everyone knows everything about you and your company. They can then find your company on Google, and any negative reviews justified or otherwise, or they could simply go and buy the product from another source.

I wish I knew that there was a product out there that could teach me everything I needed to know about using social media effectively. That product is a concise guide and really informative and easy to follow. That guide is called Attraction Marketing Formula

You can avoid all of the HEARTACHE and FRUSTRATION. Click Below for a FREE GUIDE to using Social Media 

My Top 5 "What I know Now"

This is what I have since found out from listening to webinars from established successful Network Marleters such as Tanya Aliza

Create a fanpage rather than using your personal facebook page. Personal pages are limited to 5000 "friends" but a fan page allows for an unlimited audience.

Post valuable content on the page, a mix of lifestyle, personal, inspirational and knowledge etc... This can be anything based on your experience or about what you have discovered in the course of your journey. This needs to be on a regular basis and as a result will build relationship and trust with your fan base. Stay away from controversial topics such as religion and politics as this will drive away customers rather than attract.

When writing about the product, focus on its benefits and the results. This will firstly develop you as an authority and create curiosity attracting customers towards you.You will then find that potential customers will start to want to know more about your product which then gives you the opportunity to correspond privately via email or messenger and/or direct them to your blog page/website. 

Facebook Lives are also very effective as videos get higher priority in Facebook feeds. These don't have to be long but 4-5minutes is long enough to capture attention and people are more likely to watch them all the way through.

Continue to invest in your Intellectual Capital. If you haven't ever done so then now is a good time to start. Mindset is key to success in this business, feeding your mind with positive inspirational material and personal development. It is recommended that listening to audio books for 15mins a day and 30 minutes of reading is a good start. You will be amazed how this propels you in your business.

Click here to Get more free tips on Connecting and Recruiting People

This article was published on 07.12.2017 by Carol Simon
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Terry Bailes Nice article! Best to you!  6 years ago

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