Email so I can get you started & sorry to everyone that has tried to msg Me
Email me since I can not reply to any messages I’m so very sorry to everyone that has tried to message me and I couldn’t answer!!! So email me at trying to get everyone started on there journey to either start another job and make up to 2,000 or more a week instead of that 9-5 job BORING reach out to me and I will get you started on your weight loss or that other job you wished you had. Message me and I will get back to in 2 seconds soon as I get your email I will answer you I promise sorry I haven’t been getting able to reply to anyone’s message the website isn’t letting me reply so please please email and get your friends in it too. I will send you a business card to print out or if you want one I’ll send it in the mail if you want to try a sample!!!! So get the ball rolling and get on with this job and your weight loss journey and if you don’t like it so be it... it’s not for everyone some ppl don’t like it some people love it and I will be here to check up on you after trying it or even getting you started and if you want to be a customer first before you become in the business then you’re more than welcome to come and sign up for a free customer account and again DO NOT MESSAGE ME ON HERE PICK UP MY EMAIL AND COPY IT & EMAIL ME. Cause I won’t be able to reply to u if you message me on here!!! So email me!!!!!email me!!!!!!! email me!!!!!!!email me!!!!!!!!!!email me!!!!!!!email me!!!!!!!!! DONT MESSAGE ME ON HERE JUST EMAIL ME I WONT BE ABLE TO REPLY I CANT STRESS ENOUGH CAUSE I WANT TO HELP EBERYONE OUT & U WILL BE ADDED TO OUR FACEBOOK GROUP TOO so you can be added into group video chats and fb lives & be included in the business and everyone In it. The people in this business are nothing but helpful and respectful if you don’t have a fb it’s not a problem we will discuss it more when you email me I will be expecting all those emails and to see my notifications going thru the roof with emails about joining this business with me!!!!!!!!!!!! LETS GO
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