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Hi my name is Andrew Speers I have spent most of my life working with horses as a racetrack Farrier . 

I am now retired but active on line . 

Coming from a time long before any technology the current state amazes my .  My connection is fiber optic and I am a Mac user have a great work space and am online 24/7 .

Well my computer is anyway . 

Like a lot of us I did all sorts of marketing from launch jacking to rev-sharing that was a bad one.  If you don't  know what that is check my youtube channel and see all the videos . Essentially I would get an affiliate link from the vendor and do a review video . Lots of work and hit and miss .

I had to gather tools such as Getresponse for email and then I used Commission Gorilla had and still do have hosting with a couple of hosting providers . 

Buying domains all recurring expenses with no guaranteed income . But I love the online life and making contacts . I have used Many-chat and still do the bot messenger is pretty cool . All this was costing me over $300 a month with patchy returns . I was bleeding from my wallet but I never gave up the idea that the online life could work . I guess that's essential to survive the sometimes overwhelming information over load . I was working 10 hours a day and sometimes more . I had all day to do it as I am retired and living in a condo as  I may have said .

Then things changed just remembering how that happened . Oh yes I had joined a 5 day Many-chat challenge about attraction marketing . If you don't know what that is let me tell you . It is the opposite of trying to sell people by spamming links . People do not like to be sold BUT they do like BUYING .  And I never liked the selling approach anyway . I like to get to know people and gain trust . Wow this site is all about that . Nothing happens by chance that is my belief .. 

Ok so now you are wondering what happened to me that was so amazing . I found a company that had all the tools I used under one roof . No more shiny objects needed . This had it all from building sites,  hosting, domain names, autoresponder, and much much more . 

This is not widely known as the company does not advertise . 

It has an affiliate program and that supports it . Behind the scenes are over 100 programmers constantly updating the system and on joining you have access to the members Facebook group . Thing is this is unique and support is everywhere . You will be totally supported by your sponsor and  plenty of members ready to help on the FB group page . Another plus is the ability to share a funnel/site with any other member from your back office to theirs as easily as sending and email . 

Choosing the right sponsor is critical to success . In the beginning my sponsor was not helping at all . I  had an opportunity to change and I did . Now I have a top sponsor and am in the top team in Builderall . Here is a link for you to check it out .

It is a funnel and as you go through it try the income calculator . Builderall pays every Thursday to your Paypal but you can join using stripe I did that . One more thing this company was started by Erick Saldago in Brazil in 2008 and has only just last year opened in the USA market . So getting in now is a good move . To your success in whatever you do and thanks for reading my business announcement . I am proud to promote and be a member of such an ethical company  . Everyone is on the same level and has the same opportunity .Its up to you but you will be supported . OUR success is a mutual thing . ☯️

This article was published on 03.09.2018 by Andrew Williams Speers
Author's business opportunity:

builderall - digital tools, 49.95 USD to join

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