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Avoiding High-Tech Hassles

Hey, how's it going?

The last few days I've been talking about getting things done and not making things more complicated than they already are. Stuff like that.

Today, I'm going to continue that because I was leading into something about tools yesterday, and asking if your whizzbang tools you're working, for example, is killing your business. And there's a specific reason why I wanted to ask that, and it's because I believe that the number one thing that holds people back in their marketing businesses, whether it's network marketing, affiliate, or even if it's their own thing, it's a couple of ideas.

The one idea is that you've got to have the latest, greatest equipment, tools, whatever, and another is that you've got to be everywhere doing everything all at the same time. Neither one of those things is true.

It's about the same as the guy who I talked about where we went to pick up some equipment, but he had to rent the truck and the trailer in order to go pick it up. Whereas Mr W owns all of his stuff and he can pick up anything he wants that he decides to buy.

Well, if you're using a very complicated system, or tool, or something like that to get done your daily work, this is what happens every single time you want to do something. You get caught up trying to figure out how to get it done, and it's not necessary even if you're going to start a blog. Most people say, "Oh, I'm going to start this blog, and I saw this was cool on this blog, and I want to do this.

I don't know about you, but I was looking at... Just the other day I was looking at, maybe I'll do this with a new blog I was doing for somebody and I started thinking about it going, "Don't get all caught up into this because there's a hundred different themes that I was just looking at." There's tens of thousands likely out there that you can plug into Wordpress and this is just picking the theme. And you're never going to make it look exactly like what someone else did anyway, or else it's going to be boring and lame. See, if you can't pick the theme, where do you go from there?

Now you gotta work with plugins, and you got a million different plugins you can put in, and you want to put Facebook things, and Twitter, and all these other things that you want to add on that detract from the message that you're trying to get across in the posts that you write.

You do want to make money with your blog, or anything else, but you want it to be easy for someone to find, and then easy for them to understand, and very easy for them to take whatever action it is. Get on your email list, buy your product, whatever. You want to make everything as streamlined, and smooth, and easy as possible. If every time you're attempting to do something it takes you two days to figure it out to make it work, your enthusiasm is gone. You're... you might even lose the idea that you had.

I know I've had times in the past where I would get so frustrated I would just quit. That's all I can take for today. My brain is fried. I'm racked out of my thing. I'm ready to throw my computer right out the freaking window and I got to stop before it drives me absolutely crazy. That's why connection can crapped out for a minute there. I don't know why you have to have a connection to record a video, but whatever. I didn't make it. So here's the thing. You cannot have a tool so complicated that you cannot figure out how to just get in there and get something done, posted and roll along. Because if you do, you'll never get anything done. And this is so critical because I've done it myself, especially back in the old days where things were really difficult, where you got to just stop, you can't handle anymore.

So look for something. You just want to be able to perform the basics, and to be able to start making sales quickly, with the minimum equipment. For instance, driving a truck. Because a lot of guys go out and they want to lease a very expensive truck and it's 3,000 whatever, 4,000 a month. And you gotta be kidding me. You're laying down that kind of jack every month, you're working almost a full three weeks before you start making money. And if that's what you're doing, you're far behind the person who got a real cheap truck, and his expenses are down to like the $1,500 a month range His nut is half of yours. So you're going to be working two to three weeks to pay that off, whereas he's in profit a week and a half later. So that's the guy, that's your competition that's going to eat your lunch.

And it holds true in every single business. You gotta reduce your costs as low as possible, so you can get the minimum done as quickly as possible, so that you can make sales and get into profit as quickly as possible.

So that's the whole idea behind making things simple. And I don't know how long this is. Probably gone over time, big time, and my bad on the glitch. Sometimes stuff just doesn't work out. But I'm not going to try and hack it up and edit it to make it look pretty, because it's just a waste of time and it's not going to help you get the idea.

As a matter of fact, that's the idea. Just leave the little glitches in there and get it done.

If you've got bigger challenges than little glitches, this will show you how to get your business running smoothly and profitably. 

That's it for today. I will see you tomorrow. I'm out.

This article was published on 16.08.2019 by Dave Kotecki
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