Looking for recruits for my business!
Do you like Thirty One products? Join my team and you can earn 25% commission! You can join my facebook VIP group at https://m.facebook.com/groups/556794594791966?ref=bookmarks. In that group we play games and you can win prizes. I make announcements about new products and give sneak peeks. I have also started a texting alert as well. If you want to see the kinds if products that Thirty One offers you can see them in my VIP group or you can see them at this link https://sassysarahsbagsbythesea.square.site/ . I hope i will be able to work with you soon!
Now I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm an infant teacher but have been furloughed since mid March. I miss my work family but will be getting back to work soon. I am a mom and love that job as well. I joined Thirty One back in November 2018. The products are amazing and so versatile. For example, our large utility tote has a ton of uses. You can use it to go food shopping in order to carry your groceries, when you go to your family and friend's for holidays you can use it to carry gifts, if you love the beach and have a baby you can lay the tote on its side and use it as a mobile bassinet for baby to nap and stay out of the sun, you could use it in your car for storage, and so much more. The possibilities are endless! I use my large utility tote to store my business products. You can also personalize them too.
We have more than just bags and totes. We also carry jewelry. We offer birth stone charms and more. A customer bought a chain from me and then added charms to it. She put a birth stone charm for her and her child, and elephant and a flip flop. There are so many choices I'm sure you will find something that you love.
Im looking to add more people to my team. Ive been searching for recruits for almost two years with no luck. I have tried many things and still no one has been interested. This is a great company to work for. I dont feel like just a number or dollar sign to them. I actually feel like part of something great. Thirty One donates to children's charity. As a mom i find that absolutely amazing.
So please come join my team. I would love fo
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