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Hello, my name is Yolonda Walden and I just joined a great company that I would like to share with everyone. As you may know, I have been looking for years for a business that I could grow and make a lot of money from. During my search, I know you guys have seen posts that I have made about the business opportunities that I was in at the time, and needless to say, nothing happened during those ventures. Now I am with the best company ever. Do any of you know about Forex trading? What is Forex?
Forex or foreign exchange, can be explained as a network of buyers and sellers, who transfer currency between each other at an agreed price. It is the means by which individuals, companies and central banks convert one currency to another,and unlike shares or commodities,forex trading does not take place on exchanges but directly between two parties, in over the counter (otc) market.The forex market is run by a global network of banks, spread across four major forex trading centres in different time zones:London New York Sydney and Tokyo.Because there is no central location, you can trade forex 24/7any questions just ask that’s what I’m here for
If you are interested in learning more about Forex pla
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