Nuovo sistema di guadagno Fomo5k
In this article I would like to present a new earning system just arrived in Italy. It's about Fomo5K. But what is Fomo5K? ... it is a latest generation intelligent platform based on the Ethereum Blockchain. There is no system administrator, but a group of programmers have uploaded the contract code to the Ethereum Blockchain. So we can not think of suffering a scam and therefore just to scam because the money (in this case in cryptocurrency) is sent automatically from wallet to wallet. Two wallets are used, just because it is a decentralized system, so before registering you will need to have a Trustwallet or Metamask wallet.
then after clicking on the link, the wallet of your choice will also automatically open and ask you to connect. On your wallet you should already have 0.1165 ETH (which then the value in Euro or dollar changes precisely at the exchange rate, for example when I signed up I paid € 18.89, now for example it is € 20, and for those who think in dollars 0.1165 € is 21.64 $) of which 0.0165 are the fees.
We also have a spillover, we are talking about a 2 x 10 matrix, but I advise you to bring two people who will do the same action you did anyway. So let me explain, here we talk about the overflow, that is a mechanism that guarantees the structure to have at most 2 people in line 1, 4 people in line 2 and so on, people are introduced from top to bottom and from left on the right, as regards the people invited by you, it is possible that the matrix will bring you people who come from above and therefore help from the spillover. I sincerely advise if you sign up bring the two people, you will close the first level quickly and you will be able to move on to the second.
This earning system will allow us to earn 5000 ETH in 100 days, this is our main goal.
After 100 days we can renew our levels to continue to have our profits. Of course if we don't renew we won't receive our profit.
I'll explain to you even if you don't know what smart Contract is. It is a tool created to distribute 100% of ETH from user to user and it does it immediately. So we have no problem, the money goes directly to us, the users' ETHs are not stored and therefore we can rest assured when we do our transactions.
All this was born to help us in this moment of crisis, to stay united, to support us economically in a fair and voluntary way, I myself am part of a group that helps each other.
Here is the link for registration:
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