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Help Me Get On The Leader Board & Earn a Million Dollars

. Help Me Get On The Leader Board & Earn a Million Dollars? 

If you have 100 to 1,000 members in your primary MLM company, you are poised to make a substantial amount of money with this business. Many MLM and network marketers strive daily to attract hundred if not thousands of people into their downline.

The ability to attract that many people has to do with the product, compensation plan but more importantly the marketing plan. A lot of companies have discovered that they need a lost cost "Feeder" Program that appeals to the masses. If you plug these individuals into a Plug and Pay program, or Feeder Program, you can insure the prospects longevity in your primary program. When people make money, they tend to stay in the programs rather than abandoning them.

If you already have a large down-line and introduce them to a uni-level system like FunnyBiz, your income will explode almost overnight. You could call FunnyBiz, the original legitimate "get rich quick" program for those individuals who have already built large down-lines in other programs. FunnyBiz allows everyone to build a large downline because the product is so inexpensive.

Everyone knows that Multi-Level Marketing is a numbers game. The more people you are able to sign up for your program the more money you can make. The problem is that many companies have monthly auto-ships or $500 starter kits that make it harder for individuals to recruit more members.

 In fact many new recruits actually lose money in their business during the first year. There are also monthly or annual quotas that new recruits must adhere to in order to receive their commissions. The higher the price of the entry fee in a company makes it more difficult for you and your new prospects to sponsor new Network Marketing business partners.

FunnyBiz provides a way to incentivize your new recruits, put instant cash in their pocket so they have the income to continue in your primary MLM. After they have made an income from FunnyBiz they are poised and ready to continue with their main business. FunnyBiz will provide enough income to pay for the main Network Marketing program,

Many MLM members have burned through their warm market and are overly cautious about contacting them regarding any new opportunity. When the entry fee is as low as $25.00 almost everyone can afford the $10.00 per month to start their own business. Recruiting for your downline becomes easier because it is financially feasible for the masses and is instantly rewarding.

In the FunnyBiz scenario, you only need 7 individuals on your first level to reach the highest money making opportunity. Imagine if your present downline each recruited 7 people you could easily build a network of 19,607 individuals paying only $10.00 a month to stay active rather than $200.00 or more.

FunnyBiz pays you 7-Levels of Passive Residual Monthly Commissions.

$1,600/month: When you & the next 6-levels of Distributors under you sign-up just 3 Subscribers.

10,000/ month: When you & the next 6 levels of distributors under you sign up 4 distributors.

$50,000/month: When you and your next 6 level distributors under you sign up 5 distributors.

$170,000/month: When you & the next 6 levels of Distributors under you sign-up just 6 Subscribers each!

The FunnyBiz system is powered by our 6-Rank 7-Level 35% to 60% Global Revenue Sharing Income opportunity –This means that FunnyBiz shares a minimum of 35%-60% of Total Global Revenues with Distributors! Most other Home Biz Opportunities max-out at sharing 35% of their revenues with distributors.  FunnyBiz pays you 7-Levels of Passive Residual Monthly Commissions..

As far as we know, that is The Highest-Paying Income Revenue Sharing Program available online. You may have missed these figures if you watched the video. Go back and consider the mathematical implication of these figures..

Some people are attracted to the Flashy Slick online presentations that show you how much money you will make with even a modest down line. Some people tell me that the FunnyBiz website is kind of amateurish. The reply is: ”All that glitters is not gold” and gold is found under the earth. Sometimes you have to dig deeper to find the golden nuggets in a business opportunity.

I made a mistake when I started marketing this program. I did not set up a way to capture my leads. I had over 600 hits within the first couple of days that I started marketing FunnyBiz. I fixed that fatal error. Alert your new prospects that a sales funnel is mandatory to succeed in this or any online business. The following are indispensable tools to reach success in any online endeavor

 Capture Page

 Landing Page

 Autoresponder Service

These tools will help your downline increase their income whether you choose FunnyBiz or not. This is just some good information for effective marketing.

Remember what Zig Ziglar said "You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want,"

Join Me Today 

Virginia R. Sanders

This article was published on 30.08.2016 by Virginia Sanders
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