There are no Problems, only Opportunities!
Einstein said "Discovering a new theory is like climbing a mountain, gaining new and wider views".
That's exactly what personal development is for me. Once we begin to understand ourselves, how we've been holding ourselves back with narrow views, we are able to grow as individuals and ultimately affect everyone around us.
We've all grown up with thought patterns and opinions that we think are ours, but in fact, have been imposed on us by others. Yes, those "others" are well-meaning; parents, teachers, friends. But they themselves have had their ideas foisted on them by their own "others"!! The opinions and viewpoints are perpetuated, mostly in an unthinking fashion.
There has to come a time where we shake ourselves off and start to delve into our inner beings to discover just who we are, not who we think we are.
The self-help movement began decades ago, with many fabulous books written by personal development gurus. We've all read at least one. But have we put those philosophies into action? Have we actively engaged in introspection and experimentation? For many, the answer is a clear NO!
Hi, my name is Zsuzsa. I gave myself permission to be an individual, to follow my own path and develop my own ideas about things. This has never been easy. The result is often ridicule or anger. Learning how to deal with the reactions of your loved ones is a journey in itself. The rewards, however, are many.
My online business has forced me to constantly work at my goals, my intentions and my thought processes. To be able to combine earning an income with personal growth and happiness is very powerful. To love what you do every day is surely the ultimate in good health, relationships and the joy of living.
I would love to help you find your place in the world while earning an executive income. One of those strange things we've been told all our lives is "money doesn't make you happy". Mmm, it can sure make a huge difference in my opinion!
To find out more, visit my website
If you're determined, ready for change and tired of the "same old", pop your details in and I'll give you a call .
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