Still doing it the old way?
Hey there, welcome to Funnel Franchise 3.0.
Firstly let me introduce myself.
My name is Brian Shahbaz Saroea and I'm your personal sponsor.
My role is to help you get the most out of the Funnel Franchise System.
The very first thing to do is to make sure you have actually registered your Free Account.
If you have already registered then you don't need to do it again... You will find a way if you ask about other methods such as emailing us from within this page that we would be happy with for free! We love hearing feedback so feel welcome and leave any tips here which can really improve our system by adding them onto existing rules in future releases or maybe even making some improvements yourself? Email: jwimkin@kongregate (Link) If I'm not aware how many years after buying my account does the current game still count towards completion, what exactly did I earn when purchasing an upgrade pack?
..but if didn't register your free account then click the link below to do that first while its still 100% Free.
Click Here To Register Your Free Funnel Franchise 3.0 account.
Once you do that the next thing your going to want to do is watch the Welcome video that you'll see the moment you log in.
This will give you a complete guided tour of the members' area, the next steps, and how you can generate multiple Funnel Franchise revenue streams.
So, I'll finish this welcome email here, but over the coming days, keep an eye out for more of my emails. And please note that by signing up to receive future newsletters from me on LinkedIn, including these:
If you need any help don't forget to connect with me on Facebook or simply by replying to this email.
It is amazing to have you as a part of the Newest Funnel Franchise. We appreciate all of your support and are optimistic that our community will help us grow.
(Newly Introduced to Personnel)
Brian Shahbaz Saroea
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