Have You Heard About Negative Ion Candy Lozenges?
Last Night I had a vision; I had done some breathing exercise just before retiring for the night. In my twilight world, I had what I can only describe as a 'Lucid Dream'. Let me tell you about my dream, I hope this kind of stuff interest you. The dream was not a bit sexual yet it did have the concept of developing a product that created a life condition that can only be described as "Sexual Immortality" What a Concept! Anyway, the dream came about because of some interesting products that I am testing out. They are nutritional "Ionic" lozenges, that impart a condition like Relaxation or Energy. This happens because the Botanicals and Phytonutrients that are added make this possible. So, my dream actually led me to dream about getting the company to produce a new lozenge with Ionic Botanicals and Phytonutrients that would impart 'Sexual Immortality' (only in a dream right). I thought the dream was real and that because of my suggestion and the ease that this product sold. I and everyone associated with this company was becoming easily and naturally very wealthy. These products were also doing great things to all of us as we continued to take them. We found ourselves 'Looking Younger' and feeling like we could live a very long time. By staying young, virulent and sexually active we could do this indefinitely.
This dream also let me realize that this new company that is responsible for these great products. Was the reason I was having a 'Lucid Dream'. Since joining this company I find that i spend a lot more time dreaming. I dream about the ease this Marketing plan with its 'Hybrid' pay plan' will push me and all who join now, to 'Prosperity'. It will only become easier and easier as time goes on. My read of this as it gets easier, life will also get more 'Abundant'. Well that is the meat of this vision, and the rest of it until I woke up the next day was about me finding Ionic Botanicals and Phytonutrients to add to the product that would create 'Eternal Romantic Love'. ( Hopefully not only in my dreams). Ill return to that concept in my next dreaming session, when I have another bout of realizing the Value of this new company.
I am going to let the videos at my site tell you all about this company. they can do a much better job. All I know is that My mind has grown sharper. I again have motivation and a new feel for how much everyone associated will be responsible for adding and creating a whole bunch of value in everyone's life.
I know you are having a lot of questions about this company and how I became involved.
Well 'It Came In a dream, and then it 'Fell into my lap!
This fell into my lap, only because it fell into Dale Calvert's( an iconic mentor to all) lap and pulled him out of a short 4-week retirement. It's that good. We are just now part of launching into the USA an 8-year-old booming European company. The product is patented and the marketing plan is the best in the business. Our team is just starting out. Only a handful of people in America have seen this. So, its Virginal. Our simple system is 1 2 3 easy and the incomes will be massive. We will be product driven. And I am thinking of you. If You or anyone you know is wanting looking for a once in a lifetime situation in which the stars have lined up, this is it. Yes, get onboard NOW! So, you can have some interesting dreams also.
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