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Do you have $10 and can use $7300 within 4 weeks!


So the name of this company is Cash on Lock with the tagline and promotional invite:

Do you have $10 and can use $7300 within 4 weeks!


At first glance it seems unrealistic but the income proof from people I have known in the mlm business is definitely convincing and my own success after just three days has definitely made me a believer. 

So how does it work?

The goal is to get your first 10 people on day 1 or week 1. This will move faster for people who started on both levels.  (You can start at level 1 for $10 or level 2 for $50)

Day 1 or Week 1: Get 10 people at $10=$100 upgrade to 50

(upgrade as soon as you get 5 people)

Day 2 or Week 2: The first 10 will upgrade to the $50 = $500 upgrade to $250

(upgrade as soon as you get 5 people to upgrade)

Day 3 or week 3: 10 on the 250 level will upgrade to $250=$2500 keep $2000

Day 4 or week 4: 10 on the 500 level will upgrade to $500=$5000

I recommend doing the 10 and 50 for only $60  first but you don't have to.

The cash is instant when your sign ups pay their $10 it goes directly to you, the recruiter.

To learn more , you can go and request to join for more info and watch the 2 min powerpoint.

Also go to

Watch video

We have the strategy so dont worry if you cant recruit my business partner made over 21k doing this so we know what we're doing. Most of my team members are well on there way in achieving this and we are willing to train you and show you our strategies we have used.  

This is quick money and its only a measly $10 let me know if you want in?

The group is extremely active and international members and even six figure income earner have joined this opportunity this month and are earning.  There is even residual income attached to this opportunity where you continue getting paid monthly on each level. I don't know about you but residual income always appeals to me. Do the work once and get paid over and over. In this case you can make at least $100 a month in residual if you have your 10 people. 

This has been exciting and is on fire!

Inbox me here if you are interested or email me at:

This article was published on 19.10.2016 by Kedisha Williams
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Avg. households saves $400/month EARNS on top of that! Help others save. 2023 will be a record year! Add value to your other mlms pass this on as a bonus. Go watch video on next page.

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