Earn money with CROWD1
Crowd1 is a big online company un the domains of financial éducation and online gaming that can help you to earn money with affiliation or sponsoring.
Referal link: https://crowd1.com/signup/robert_ezra
YouTube vidéo: https://youtu.be/4HaVwpZ6d9U
Join me on Whatsapp : +221771476167
The company fondator is Jonas Éric Werner and the CEO is Staël Von holstein. Both of the are from sweeden and the CEO Staël Von Holstein is a member of sweeden goverment.
The company have office in a lot of country : Dubaï , Philippines, South Africain , London , Sweeden , Espain ...
Their duty is to give opportunity to their member to get rich , not only by giving them financial éducation package but sharing with them the benefits that they get from their partnership with gaming compagnies like ownerwrights. The partner compagnies of Crowd1 are My grift hub , Affilgo, Miggster.
All you have to do is to pay a financial educational package , advice it to jour freinés and start earning.
The company have 5 payement méthodes.
1-Binary bonus: the company pays for every new member. With that bonus you can earn from 36€ to 900€
2-The matching bonus: you earn 10% on all your referais earn
3-Fear of lost: for the 14 days that you join the company , if you get 4 refferals the company will vive you back jour investissement.
4-Streamline bonus: every week the company vive to all his membres ownerwrights
5-Résidual bonus: according to jour évolution in the sociéty , you have a grade and that qualified you for a salary every month.
If you are interessed , write me on Whatsapp: +221771476167
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