Learn How The Bank Earn Millions With Your Money
I have a very good friend that work for a bank in the United States. She a VP of Operations in Foreign Exchange (FOREX). Some time ago I asked her how FOREX works. She said, "We (her bank) just exchange currencies all day from one currency to another and make money on every transaction. I asked her where the money comes from. She said, "We sort of borrow the money from (people's accounts) money from the bank and trade it on the FOREX market."
I was blown away. I said to myself, "I have to learn these techniques." In comes Tradera; a FOREX education platform started by 2 million dollar FOREX traders. You now have the opportunity to learn those same skills AND build a network of people that are learning a financial survival portable skill.
The basic skills to trading FOREX is knowing:
1. When to BUY
2. When to SELL
3. When NOT TO
At all times currencies (Pairs) are being sold or bought for one another. You will learn in the education platform when to trade, how to set up trades, how much to trade and to stop.
One of the reasons that most people struggle financially is because they never learned financial survival skills. Most people only learned how to trade time for dollars (a job). There is nothing wrong with a job, but when that job is taking away (voluntary or involuntary), there are no other skills to fall back on. This is why learning how to trade on the FOREX market is a great financial survival skill to learn.
Let's discuss building the network. This process goes WAY BEYOND network marketing. Since 2002, I've learned a lot and seen a lot. The opportunity with Tradera is more than just recruiting people who recruit people. In most network marketing companies, the bulk of the residual income earned by a rep is created by those in the business that are buying the product or paying for the service.
With the Tradera opportunity, 100% of the income is earned from CLIENT MEMBERSHIPS (customers). Your network is mostly comprised of CUSTOMERS. The only time a person become a "representative" is when they have referred 3 individuals and they upgrade to an IBO.
Click the link to get the full story: https://bit.ly/2WMjBqS
M.T. Hurd
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