This is the 21st Century way of Advertising.
What if I told you that hundreds …thousands of potential customers could receive an ad from your company with the click of a button? If you go to the mall, the beach, anywhere outside your home…you could be exposing your products or service to 70% of those who have any cell phone!
Today, people use their phone for everything from communication to entertainment. What better place to post your ad to bring in hundreds of new customers! We are in the era of visual and push button electronics. People consistently respond to their electronics as a way of life, so why not make your product part of their lives!
Genusity is the latest advertising devise on the market! With Genusity you can advertise (up to 40 characters) to anyone from 150 feet up to 1640 foot radius. Cell phones are everywhere and that gives you an advantage over Tv and Radio ads which can cost $1000s of dollars!
I have been part of business groups like, chamber of commerce, Go Small Biz and BNI so I know the successes and struggles a business goes through in getting the right customers and choosing cost effective ways to advertise products. This advertising devise is a GAME CHANGER! It can not get any easier to reach the many potential customers no matter where you go.
Genusity has the following devises for your ads to reach potential customers:
Genusity BB and BB Sport – 150-foot radius to any Cell phone.
Genusity BAP – 300-foot radius to any Cell phone.
Genusity BOOM – foot radius to any Cell phone
Genusity Blast 1.0- 984-foot radius to any Cell phone.
Genusity Blast 3.0 1640 foot radius any Cell phone.
Let Genusity bring in the customers that you have been missing through other means of advertising. You know the old ways of advertising and getting new customers is changing and you must change with it or get left behind. Check out Genusity, the next generation of advertising!
Genusity websites: 1st Any Business Owners or Promotor:
You will Note the complete opportunity has more than just Beacons Marketing, it trully is a network marketers dream combo come True see for your self if you like at the link below.
2nd Network Marketer’s:
In addition to getting this devise you could be a business partner and sell the devise to other businesses and add to your bottom line. There isn’t a business that doesn’t need this devise. For example, businesses like Car Dealerships, Auto Shops, Hospitals, Dentists, Lawyers, Uber Drivers, Network marketers, Truck companies, Fast Food chains, and many more. To be competitive and reach the most customers this devise is essential to any business! It’s a WIN WIN!
You Receive 2 Types Of Powerful Advertising
With Any Beacon:
Your ads will not only be transmitted from your Beacons, which is your first type of advertising, but you will also be apart of the Genusity Advertising Network (GAN) at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE! Our Radius Targeted Online Advertising will allow your ads to be seen within a 50 mile radius of the beacon and/or your zip code. This will make your Beacons the most powerful advertising device you can have! What does all of this mean? We can now GUARANTEE you VIEWS of your ads. It also means that your ads will now be seen on all devices! So not only will you be advertising to those around your Beacons, but you will now be advertising online to everyone within a 50 mile radius of your Beacon or entered zip/postal code. More Info at website.
This would be like a 3rd win for your business.
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