Hello everyone, I am Donna Timberlake and I work in direct mail. I choose to work in direct mail because of the simplicity of it. You receive mail at home from people who also want to join the "mailbox lifestyle". Imagine getting up an going to your mailbox and receiving cash ! Really cash! you can let the company advertise and mail for you. There are companies that you do the printing and mailing yourself. That is fine and I know people who love this and are doing very well. I, myself wanted a "hands off" approach. Your first mail campaign is financed by 30 Day Success Formula and you can order future campaigns at a cost. You place your order and wait for the mailman. Talk about time freedom and extra income? You have the best of both worlds. You don't need computer skills or put a mailing together. It's done for you. With 30 Day Success Formula just order a campaign and wait for your mail ! How easy is that? Your mailbox is your new partner holding all the cash. This business of direct mail is a simple as it gets. N0 online processors like Paypal or Stripe, your commissions come as cash in the mail. How convenient can it get? The program is the lazy man's way of earning cash 1) you place your order for a mailing campaign 2) they have the leads 3) they do the printing of information about 30 Day Success 4) they stuff, mail and stamp your campaign 5)the prospects are sent to a number to call 6) when they call, they are closed ! You get a nice email about new team mates. How great is that? I was surprised to hear that direct mail has been around for about 500 years and people have been receiving money in the mail for years. It is not against the law to send money through the mail for good reason and not bad, such as laundering or terrorism. You can google the postal laws and see for yourself. I mention this because some believe it to be illegal and didn't do their research and turned down this opportunity. WOW 30 Day Success Formula also has digital products that can help with any business. They also carry 24K credit or debit cards to order. I am glad to be a part of their company. here is the link to the 30 Day Success Formula opt-in and watch the video. It will answer all of your questions. Looking forward to welcoming you aboard. Because of the simplicity of direct mail. I have been researching others that were similar to The 30 Day Success Formula. I found a gem called the Cash Club Fund. The company adds your link to their company link rotater and promotes your link. You don't have to advertise if you don't want. They also have digital products available for sale. You join the company and they do the mailing for you. (my favorite) they send out commissions in cash every week, they are really "hands off". The beauty of direct mail it can fit any lifestyle. You can be an online marketer and add direct mail to your portfolio. A business man or woman, a baby boomer/senior, a new parent/parent, collecting a fixed income, working everyday, anyone can do it and be successful at it. So if you are looking for a way to increase your time freedom and income, direct mail can be a help. Claim your time freedom today. Here is the link to Club Cash Fund I wish you well on your journey of time freedom and extra income. You can also call these numbers Club Cash Fund 641-715-3900 pin# 176838. To reach 30 Day Success Formula 262-237-6072 Have an awesome day !