Pink Zebra THEE ABSOLUTE BEST company in the I've EVER worked for
Hi my name is Sarah I live in I'm a mother of 3 beautiful girls. I'm fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom thanks to my business. I decided to join Pink Zebra because I needed extra money I was going through a seperation and needed to be able to provide for my children as a new single mom I was entering this new scary world that I hadand this opportunity presented itself. Our company is like one BIG family. We go on AMAZING incentive trips! This year we will be going to the VIRGIN ISLANDS. However, we also sale absolutely amazing products all natural soy wax sprinkles. They are the CLEAN way of burning soy wax now and it lasts so much longer! 1 jar can last about a month as to where the wax cubes only last a week if that. There is NOTHING better then coming home to a house that smells so heavenly. Sprinkles are the new way to burn. They come in jars or they come in carton sizes if you absolutely LOVE the scent, simmer pots, warmers, soaks that can be used for so many different things from body spray to making homemade deodorant it is sensitive enough for dogs and sensitive enough for people who have allergies and eczema, extremely cute go cards that you cover in the Soaks and hang in your closets or in your cars, cute little accent shades that you put over your warmers! Our warmers only get so hot which makes our sprinkle scent last longer and it makes sure nobody gets burned our simmer pots. I was a customer for a WHILE before I decided to jump in with both feet forward. ONE of the AMAZING things about our Sprinkles is you can literally mix 3 or 4 sometimes more and make your own fun scents to make what you want! They say if you LOVE what you do you wont ever feel like you will work a day in your life and I can honestly say that since I started this business it doesnt feel like work to me. I LOVE LOVE what I do! I am always looking for NEW people to share my passion with. We always have amazing prices and amazing bundles! I would be HAPPY to have any of you as customers or as part of my Pink Zebra family!
-Sarah Davis
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