Why I joined Posh!
I keep getting asked "why did you sign up with posh you already have your hands full"!?!?
So why did I sign up for posh!? I had absolutely ZERO intention in signing up at all! One day I was dropping Fi off and I was told I need to try impress me it was great and she will add me to a party! Ok cool! Looking around the party get my samples and just fall in love with impress me and egg on your face! So then I place my first order, LOVE everything I got! So I decdied to have my own party! Once I saw how much everyone loves posh products and how much I LOVED it before my party was even over I signed up! I wanted something that was mine and something that was fun! There are no monthly quotas which was the deal closer because I might not always have time to do posh and not having to stress about quotas is everything!!! Like most moms I struggle with me time! This has helped me take 5-15 minutes to do a face mask or take a bath with a bath bomb or whatever it is but its me time! It also gets me talking to other adults about these amazing products, which since I work from home and now with quarantine the girls are with me 24/7, I have very little adult contact like most of us. Its nice to have this to talk about! Lets not forget about how much fun this is! The girls and I are having a blast! Fiji is always asking to go live! Lol They both want to help as much as they can and we have fun doing it!!! Its so exciting to send samples out and hear what people think of them!!!! I've only been at it for 61 days but I have already meant some really awesome people! Everyone is so nice and really eager to help you out! I'm really loving it and I am soooo glad that I did just sign up! Its been good for me! Im having a blast and making some extra cash on the side who wouldn't love that!?!?
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