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Sustainable Technology & Resources Holdings Asset Backed Token

Utopian Global

Corporations have spent more than $880 billion on stock buybacks in 2018. CEOs and the wealthiest few are getting richer while workers’ wages are barely keeping up with inflation. There has to be another way for people who do not count their wealth in millions to participate in sustainable wealth creation.

You have seen what has happened in the crypto market. People who had the foresight and the imagination back in July 2009 and bought $100 worth of this funny thing called Bitcoin delivered by a new distributed and encrypted technology called blockchain would be sitting on 2,000 Bitcoins today. At their peak price in 2017 they were worth nearly $20,000 each. At an issue price of $0.05 that is an incredible value increase and if we were that individual, it would be better than winning a 14m to one Lotto prize.

A company called Swiss Gold Global has long traded in silver and gold selling it to their members at a fraction over the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) base price. They are 999.9 Pure Gold and 999 Silver items. All Products are manufactured by Argor-Heraeusin of Switzerland. Two years ago, SGG created a relationship with Genesis Mining on behalf of their members and while the crypto currency price was going in an upward direction profits were very good. However, as the price fell back and mining became more difficult and expensive, the contracts entered into became untenable without more cash.

This produced a change of plan and a new company was formed that was a reversion to an actual asset based crypto coin called STORH. The beauty of this is that we are no longer vulnerable to the vagaries of price for crypto coins because the assets in question are initially oil and gas wells that have been pumping profits since the 1920's and are likely to continue for a another 40 years. The biggest and most important takeaway is that nobody, not even a government can acquire your stored (Or STORH'd) assets. You grow and keep your wealth completely anonymously. 

Utopian Global has an exclusive relationship with STORH which, is a Sustainable Technology and Resource Holding Asset Backed Token on the Blockchain as explained.

This means that if you are not a member of Utopian Gold, you cannot acquire STORH. Since oil and gas are classed as securities in the United States of America, residents of the USA may not buy STORH either but every one else can. Permission is being sought for our members in the US. US residents may still gold and silver at a fraction over the LBMA price of course because gold and silver is not seen as a security in a legal sense. It's most definitely a security to me since it is a hedge against inflation.

As said, since the assets that currently back STORH is an oilfield that has been producing oil and gas since the 1920’s comprising 80 plus nodding donkeys, it is regarded as a security in the United States of America. As such, no citizen of the USA my hold STORH until approval is granted. Everyone else, for example Canadians and Mexicans who live over the border, can.

In order to become a member, you simply go here (Available By Personal Invitation). This url is self explanatory in that if you get three others to join you, your membership is paid for. You don't need to find other members to enjoy the benefits because each available plan comprises the issue of STORH tokens or gold and silver to the new owner, you, and since there is a limited number their value will increase plus the quarterly dividend. The oil wells are producing a margin of about 30% per month in added value.  

As I have said, our first asset is an Oil & Gas field just outside Houston with approximately eighty nodding donkeys producing profits 24/7/365. Other projects including clean energy are awaiting approval.

Think of it this way. Amazon’s share price was approximately $1 when it started… Bitcoin was initially offered at $0.05 in July 2009. People who had the vision made the bucks.

Oh by the way. Did you know that in every single state in the country of the US of A, that's every single state... One out of Every Three families are behind in their bills, late paying the mortgage, too stressed out to take any vacation and just too broke to enjoy life at all.

That's "ONE" out of Every "THREE" families. The income they generate is simply not enough to carry them through life's rising expenses. They are in desperate need for a way to supplement their income!

Broke Person stays broke, while continuing to work at a job that makes someone else rich.

So, What to do?

Get in touch with me because this business relies upon openness and transparency it is important that you know your customer. KYC... So, please contact me in the first place and establish a relationship, however tenuous via email for example, so that I can explain to you the best way forward for you as an individual.

You will have to provide proof of who you are to Utopian Global and the most usual way is to photograph yourself holding up a passport next to your face. I did say earlier that you can keep your accumulated wealth and business entirely private since it will be behind the blockchain. This is true and in order for you to do business with Utopian Global they have to know where funds are coming from. They themselves have to comply with the law in Switzerland concerning money laundering and by inference, you do too. That being said, the biggest threat that we all face is hacking from criminal gangs and to minimise this risk when dealing with your funds, it is important that you do the obvious and keep your passwords secure for example.

You will be dealing with people at Utopian Global who have previously run public companies as CEO and whose integrity is in the public domain. You too will be able to interact with these people directly. 


From Stratford upon Avon

Malcolm Patten

This article was published on 23.11.2018 by Malcolm Patten
Author's business opportunity:

Utopian Global - Gold, Silver, STORH, Free to join

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