Simple Wealth Building Plan
Hi, my name is Mac-faith Zuma. I am an affiliate partner of Karatbars International.
I believe that money should be an asset. However money as we know it right now as paper notes proves to be a liability because it keeps losing value. Reserve Banks of countries also say that paper money bills is their biggest liability.
Research surveys say that 95% of people above the age of 65 continue to work until thy die because they can not afford to retire and only 1% of people are wealthy at age 65. So the question is what is it that the 1% is doing that the rest of other people are not. h answer is n Warren Buffets` statement that - "if you don't find a system that will pay you money while you sleep, you will work until you die".
I have found that system and my goal for 2017 is to take with me 300 other ambitious people who want to join the 1% of the wealthy people.
Join me and let`s build together.
Karatbars`vision is to combat poverty and help people acquire a commodity previously owned by the rich people only.
The first option is to get involved as a customer by opening a FREE gold savings account and this means you are exchanging your devaluing paper money into real money - gold. Example: 1gram of gold 40 years ago was worth $1 and $1 could buy 1 loaf of bread. Now $1 can`t even buy you a loaf of bread but 1gram of gold is worth $65.
The second option is to join the business as a partner and make money by introducing your friends and family to the savings plan. The system pays direct commission up to 26%. You are only required to introduce 2 people for a left leg and right leg.
There are 4 business packages: Bronze 146Euros, Silver 392Euros, Gold 856Euros and VIP 2124Euros.
Every package comes with a certain grams of gold. Below are Direct commissions & and gold grams.
Bonze = 5% & 0.1gram
Silver = 10% & 1gram
Gold = 15% & 2gram
VIP = 20% & 3gram
Karatbars also issues a debit card that can be used at any ATM around the world.Here is a video link for a brief presentation
When you are ready, join me here
Thank you.
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