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Direct Selling Companies Honored at DSA Awards 2020

Network marketing or multilevel marketing is a new strategy of distribution of products and services through a network of independent distributors. Many individuals consider multilevel marketing as a scam since it has a similar structure to pyramid schemes. But multilevel marketing is a legitimate business model that possesses numerous advantages. For example, product duplication is not possible since it is the direct dealing between the company and consumers, an immediate crisis cannot be affected since the product is referred to a customer by a person who already knows the positivity of the product, etc. Companies have been adopting this new business model and are increasing their brand presence in the marketing world. To protect the legitimate direct selling companies, DSA was formed.

Direct selling association is a national trade association that strives to protect the direct selling companies for marketing products and also supporting the direct selling industry. Recently DSA has presented awards for its member companies for their tremendous efforts in the direct selling industry.

Amway has bagged an award in “2020 CSR Vision for Tomorrow” category. Amway is the top direct selling company of Health, Beauty, & Home Care Products. Amway was ranked one in "2019 DSN Global 100 list".

Nu Skin Enterprises, was presented with multiple awards in two different categories such as “Excellence in Business” for their outstanding sales performance and “Vision for Tomorrow” for the company's sustainability commitments. Nu Skin is a popular US-based company for personal care products & dietary Supplements has achieved an award in DSA 2018 Top 20 member company award.

In the “Technology Innovation” category, Damsel in Defense a US-based personal protection products company was honored for their innovative product protected pepper with shield technology.

Scentsy, Inc. was presented in “Marketing/Sales Campaigns” category for its new membership program, Scentsy Club. Scentsy has a hike in its revenue by more than $400 million in 2020.

In the “Partnership” category, Multibrain was awarded.

USANA Health Sciences was honored in “Product Innovation” category award for the USANA oral care range of products.

A list of 25 direct selling companies in US 2019 has also been published by DSA which includes companies like Amway, Ambit energy, Nuskin Enterprises, etc.

This article was published on 14.01.2021 by Noufal P Bava
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