Business Building Strategies - Part 1
I basically teach three business building strategies...
- Advertising Strategies... both free and paid.
- Social Media Marketing Strategies... done the right way... NO SPAMMING!
- Attraction Marketing Strategies... bring potential team members to you like a magnet.
In this series of discussions we are going to break these strategies down and explain exactly what each one is... and is not.
I want to encourage you to pick one strategy to focus on. Once you have perfected one method then you can move forward and add another marketing method to your business building arsenal.
If you try to do more than one at a time you will most likely NOT experience the success you are looking for at any of them.
- Here is the criteria I will be discussing about each marketing strategy...
- Overview of the marketing strategy
- Skill sets needed for success with that particular method
- Investment needed for success (both money and time)
OK, today we are going to get started with the first strategy...
Advertising Strategies
There are so many ways to advertise your business that there is no way to adequately discuss them in the scope of this post... impossible!
But basically there are two types of advertising... paid and free.
Then you can divide these categories into two more... online and offline.
Online advertising includes the following...
- Promotional websites like viral mailers and safelists
- Media Buys... placing ads and banners on other people's webistes
- Online classified advertising sites... like Craigslist and US Free Ads
- Solo Ads... purchasing and sending email ads from other marketers lists
The list goes on, but you get the idea... online advertising utilizes the internet.
Offline advertising includes the following...
- Purchasing advertising from printed media like newspapers and magazines
- Post card and direct mail advertising
- Business cards and drop cards
Again, this list goes on, but you get the idea... offline advertising is NOT on the internet.
And as a general rule, online advertising is cheaper than the offline counterpart. For example, its is much cheaper to purchase an online classified ad than it is to place one in your local or national newspaper. Also, the online version ad will have a much greater reach than the offline version... it can be viewed across the entire planet.
So why would you even invest in the more expensive offline advertising?
Offline advertising carries a lot more clout!
Skills Needed for Success - Copywriting
First of all let me say this... if you can copy and paste, you can post an ad. In most companies back office there are some ad examples you can use. I also have some ad examples on our team site as well under the "Resources" tab for those working with me.
The primary goal here is to get started promoting your business...
As you gain experience posting ads that promote your business, pay attention to what works and what doesn't. Learn the skill of writing great ads... this skill is called "copywriting".
The most important parts of your ad is the subject line and the "call to action".
There are lots of great resources to available to help you learn copywriting skills. The one I recommend to start with is a book by Jim Edwards titled "Copywriting Secrets"... I got mine on Amazon.
Investment Needed for Success
The next thing to consider is this... both online AND offline advertising have free AND paid versions. But there's a catch - the free versions, for the most part, require an extreme investment of TIME. You can spend a ton of hours each week earning advertising credits to post your "no-cost" ads... so there is still a cost involved!
I have been working on a tutorial page on my team website to help you understand how to utilize free viral mailer and safelist websites...
Watch for part two of this discussion where we will look at an overview of utilizing Social Media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter to build your business.
See you then...
Greg Ray
Platinum Team Leader
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