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Lose Weight Drinking Coffee, and Getting Ahead of the Rat Race

Hello, my name is Bryan and I'm new to the world of Network Marketing and MLM. Six months ago if you would have approached me with this business opportunity, I would have very likely politely declined.  But when a friend of mine told me about this new coffee-based product that could help me lose some unwanted weight I became intrigued.  I LOVE COFFEE!  (As most people do).  It's the fuel most of us use to get started during the day. So If I can consume one of my favorite beverages AND lose weight in process?  Well heck! I'm all in!  I wanted to learn more about it, just from the product standpoint.

So then I started doing some research on the company: Valentus  And I found that they're fairly new in the industry.  It's not another of those (insert the well known MLM here) ventures, so there's not already a ton of people at the top tiers of the business who are already making the money while the bottom feeders get next to nothing in return.  I found that there's still PLENTY of time get in on the "ground floor" of this opportunity, and with coaching from my friend, I signed up under her. She's been in networking marketing for years and was pretty successful at it, so I trusted her about this opportunity and the potential it has for success. I don't really consider myself a "salesperson" and I'm not the aggressive cutthroat type who circles a prospective customer like he's my next meal.  (so much for a career in selling cars, eh?)  But I AM a people person and I do have social skills and fortunately for me, a technical background and real world experience in online marketing.   I was the co-owner of a promotional products company and when I got involved there was a very basic online presence. But when you went to search for us, good luck finding us!  I dove into making modifications to the company website, creating useful content full of key words that search engines would devour.  I started "getting our name out there" so that we were on as many local and national business directories related to our business that I could find.   I created a presence on google maps, we built social media pages and blogs.  In short, we ensured that our business was listed everywhere we could.  Over a period of about a year, we went from not being found on Google to being on the first page search, often in the TOP 5 listings for our city.  We started getting calls about people wanting to buy products from out of state. And of course we had people asking "How did you get on the top of Google?" or "Who or what did you pay?"  Imagine their surprise when I told them I did it myself.  Now it's time to put those skills towards my business venture!

So back to my Network Marketing business... Like most people I still hold a full time job at an outside employer, toiling away for 8-10 hours per day in a tiny cubicle in hopes of getting ahead some day. Two steps back for everyone one step forward. Still have to pay the bills and put food on the table afterall.   I was working 50-60 hours per week when my friend brought Valentus to my attention.  I watched the informational videos and agreed to chat with her sponsor in a brief phone call to learn more for myself. I came away 30 minutes later with all kinds of ideas running through my head about how I could make this business opportunity work for me.  How I can use my past business ownership "experience" to my advantage.  The fact that you're not left fending for yourself with Valentus was a strong point with me.  You have support and you have help available at all times.  When you win, you help those on your team win. And when your team wins, everyone makes money! And that's what this is all about. Building a successful business and making money! But don't just let me tell you about all of these wonderful things... take the time and find out for yourself what the potential is for you.  How YOU can make the program work for your own needs.  Not interested? Fine. Glad you made it this far, and thanks for reading! But if you see the opportunity like I did, don't you owe it yourself to at least learn more about it? 

To learn more about Valentus for yourself, Go to:  or watch the video here:

This article was published on 09.12.2016 by Bryan Whiting
Author's business opportunity:

Valentus - Weight Loss, 20 USD to join

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