why dascoin ,why now ?
Hello guys ,
Very good day to you all and hope you are been proactive and productive whatever you are at .
Anyway ill continue ,unless you have hiding under a rock for the last couple of years you must have seen the rise of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencys such as ethereum ,dash, litecoin ect. the list goes on as new coins come on stream daily .Most are a complete waste of time not serving any unique purpose in life while others have a fundamental purpose which is what makes them successful .
Ive been studying the majority of coins for a while now and have finally planted my flag on the dascoin hill.
Why you may ask ? Goood question. Dascoin is not just another coin to hop on the coin wagon.
Dascoin has been carefully crafted for the last few years,reaching every target set out from the beginning .
The first thing i always look for when joining a company is the people behind the project and with dascoin
the management is second to none as you can view HERE in your own time .
Dascoin has a vision which no other coin project has ever done or attempted in the crypto sector which makes it quiet unique on many fronts and the main reason i became an advocate.
Dascoin has a fantastic team of visionary leaders and compiled with the technology know how it is sure to be the first coin project to go mainstream and viral when its launched to the public early next quarter.
To date dascoin has completed events in Dubai , warsaw poland,vietnam, uk, plus a megga launch in a few days in Hong Kong where its going to launch its own interna lexchange which will be a huge milestone for the project.
Should you wish to join dascoin on this ambitious project and journey in to the future you are welcome to do so by clicking HERE . we look forward to working with you should you wish to join.
We currently have over 10,000 members on board and growing daily .This blockchain project is so exciting some folks are calling it the new internet .Blockchain technology is in its infancy at this moment in time and should not be ignored by any stretch of the imagineation .
Leonard Benn