How to avoid the BLockhole...
This weekend in Miami it's bitcoin
convention conference time.
Thursday night the Miami
Bitcoin Meetup group
had a meet up at The Lab,
a really cool incubator.
In this meeting there were
bitcoin miners, yes,
these are coders
that create the verifications
that create the blockchain
that creates the bitcoin.
If only you could see
my face while I was sitting
there getting bombarded
with all these new terms
and ideas that fascinated me
into confusion and excitement.
For one second, I felt that I
needed to beef up my non-
existing coding skills
and learn all about the
cool technology around
Then a slow smile crept
onto my face as i realized
I don't need to take another
plunge into a new career
like what I did to become an
eye doctor.
That journey of becoming
an optometrist took me 7
years...twice I was kicked
out of optometry school
and finally one school in
Pueto Rico gave me the
chance to start all over again
and four years later I was
$250K in debt and all I had
to show for this was a piece
of paper.
So here I am, with degree
in hand and debt weighing
my shadow down read to
work my tail off as an eye doc
and eventually.
Since i wanted to eventually
open up my own optical, because
that is where the real money is made
as an eye doctor, I was working for
different opticals all over the state of
The beauty of this set up is that I
didn't have health insurance because
in order to get full benefits form a
coporate OD job, I had to basically
hand over my soul to one corporate
optical company. Something that I
really didn't want to do.
The funny thing is that by working
at all these places I really got to
put my finger on the pulse
of the industry as a whole.
And what i found was not a
pretty site...basically I went
to school to become another
peice of equipment in an optical
but with a heartbeat.
Just like you, my search
ends in finding the leverage
in making my money work
for me, rather than me work
for my money.
And that is why you
also don't have to go
crazy learning all about
the culture and industry
of bitcoin.
If you want to
double your bitcoin
in 90 days or less
without sliding
into the blockhole.
Get started by signing up below:
Here for your bitcoin success,
Fernand Jimenez
The Dream Manifestor
Keep Growing. Keep Sharing. Keep Loving.
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