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Hello Everyone! So Great To Be Here Among Motivated Awesome Achievers.

I feel very bliss-ed and honoured to be among you all, It reminds me the saying that goes: "you are the average of the closest five people you hang out with" a quote most attributed to Jim Rohn, to be part of this collective consciousness of focused business minded individuals is such a thrill and massively empowering.

I am in my fifties, living in this glorious tourist destination, on the Jurassic Coast of the UK, with gorgeous beaches, picturesque landscapes and the magnificent Purbeck Hills... I am a lover of life, nature and all things eternal. Such lovely surroundings remind us daily of what a gift life is and when you can wake up every morning full of Joie de vivre, no matter where you are becomes Magical.

I have always been of the mind that "Life is a Phenomenal Trip!" It gets even better when you begin to intentionally sculpt your own image or vision of what it entails at a very personal level. Like gardeners we cultivate and grow the life of our own visioning, or like designers we design and shape our moments with every choice we make and in our choosing, may we choose wisely, like choosing Energy...


Energy is such a priceless asset. When you have energy, you can create other valuable assets like money, relationships, even time can be maximised when you have energy. This makes me think that energy is most probably the key element towards abundant life or life to the fullest.

Lack of Energy is closely related to a dis-eased body...

It is really funny that when the body is not doing well, energy loss is the first signal, when we are not nourished, our energy levels deep... Heightened energy, usually contributes to increased focus, better looking body, skin, mien, increased agility and stamina. People with high energy levels are hard to resist or ignore, they seem to scintillate making them attractive to all things light, lovely and agreeable...

I trust that as you read this short post, you feel energetically charged, blissful and that we can connect and complement one another and grow our sphere of influence and businesses together.

Please Check Out This Video and I'll be Happy to answer any questions you have.

Thank you so much for being in my life, I appreciate you.

Kimberleigh Matthews

This article was published on 08.06.2020 by Kimberleigh Matthews
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