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Should I Be Fast With Prospects, Or Take My Time? The Answer May Shock You

Many industry leaders will tell you "Be fast with prospects, and get to the next".

This does make sense, since we are trying to contact as many people as possible in the little amount of time we have.

But is it true?

Should we be fast so we can increase our numbers for a higher chance of signups?

Let's break down what I personally have discovered about this, and like I said, it may be shocking news to you.

The Purpose Of Moving Fast

Like briefly mentioned above, the purpose of being fast and to the point with prospects is to increase the amount of people we expose to our business everyday. 

Get a decision from the prospect, and call the next.

In some ways this also helps by making you appear busy, which people seem to be attracted to.

Also, I agree we need to be as fast as we can, at all times.

I am always fast with people I know are not going anywhere, as I NEVER try to talk someone into it.

But, one thing I've learned about not going fast...

Is explained below.

What Happens When I Take Time With Prospects

Each day I make dials to my leads, I come across the prospect who expresses interest in what I am doing.

When this happens, I actually avoid moving fast.

I will mention I can't talk too long, and make it appear that I am making an exception for them.

Which really, I am.

But I many times get into conversation outside of business. Politics, sports, experiences with things in common, etc.

And what I have learned, is the person in which I speak long conversations with, signs up almost every time.

It seems, they create a liking for me, a trust for me, and respect since I did not rush them off the phone.

My Conclusion For Fast Or Slow

So to keep from loosing time on prospects, but not seeming rude when I get good ones, I have my own method.

When I know a person is not interested or is not the person I want to work with, I move fast. keeping the call as short as possible.

I am looking for the right one is all, so once I find that right one, I take my time.

If I feel the prospect is interested and our conversation is helping, I will continue it.

I've spent over 2 hours on the phone with a single prospect before, and of course it led to a signup for the day.

My goal is to get a signup the days I make calls, and most of the time, I get one.

And it always seems it is when I find the right person. That person I actually stopped to take time for.

I have signed up multiple people in a day, and had multiple long conversations. So if it takes long talks to get more signups, then I am okay with it.

But never, never, never, take time with someone who is not going to join. 

What's Your Thoughts?

Do you have an opinion on this?

If so, leave your thoughts in a comment below.

Let us know if you think staying quick no matter what is better, or if doing the way I have done, is best.

We all would love to hear your thoughts on this, so be sure to write them in the comments below.

P.S If you want to see how many leads come in everyday for me, and even get them placed beneath you as I sign them up, then take this short and free tour to learn more!
This article was published on 15.01.2019 by Jaye Carden
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