How To Build Depth For Security & Financial Freedom.
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As we build our MLM/Home Based Business for security and financial freedom, we are instantly faced with the concern regarding the process or methods of building a successful business. Should we just throw "Mud up against the wall" and hope some will stick, or is there a proven solid system which can be followed?
Should we build depth in our organization, or should we build width? This is quite a valid question which every MLM/Home Based Business owner needs to fully understand in order to create wealth and security.
But as we continue to build our business and we acquire more experience and knowledge we will
begin to appreciate the wisdom of building depth and more depth, rather than building width like a “Brush Fire”. In-fact, the fun really begins as we fully understand the business and continues to build depth, in our MLM/Home Based Business. And right from the starting blocks, we need to know and understand this critical fact!
“Building width creates profitability, while building depth creates and guarantees long-term security and financial freedom”.
Explanation… As we begin to build our group, our group will expand both in width, 3,4,5,6 legs or so, and each leg will also build deep, maybe 5,6,7,8 generations in depth. There are some pretty good Compensation Plans which will reward us handsomely just for creating width in our group. And as we create more width the company will pay us more commissions and bonuses.
Then there are also some pretty good Compensation Plans which will do the opposite and reward us handsomely for creating depth, as opposed to creating width, or as well as creating width. The question here is which building structure is better? And really the answer is simply what is more important to us. Do we want just a quick buck, or do we want stability and long term security?
Here are some facts to consider. The wider our group becomes it’s the thinner we are spreading our self. The more work we will have to do and the more frustration we may encounter, with little security. But if that is what the Compensation Plan requires, and that is what we desire, then that is what we must do.
On the other hand, if the Compensation Plan is much more rewarding towards a building structure of depth, then we are smiling, because we simply may have to concentrate on perhaps only 3 to 5 legs, which makes life so much easier. This is where we are now looking for leaders in depth, rather than in width and this is a lot more fun because as we find leaders in depth and we work with them and build more depth, we are actually building long-term security by backing leaders with leaders.
The more leaders in any leg, usually it’s the more income generated in that leg. More income equals more belief and commitment. When we have built 4 to 5 strong knowledgeable leaders in depth who are duplicating exactly what we have taught them, that’s a diamond leg. No quitting here. We now have total long-term security.
And remember, every person knows or can be a lead to a real winner. We must believe this fact. We have seen the results time and again. The key here is everyone is important.
As we build depth, remember we are always looking to work with the sharpest person on that new recruit’s warm list. As the leader of the group, we always want to work with the sharpest person to make sure that new person is getting the correct information. And as we work with the sharpest person we are also making sure that the “Jane or John”, whose new recruit we are now working with, is working with the other legs in their group.
So what we are effectively doing is working with the sharpest person from “Jane’s/John’s” list, “Free Leads”, and also making sure that “Jane/John” are learning the business and duplicating us, as we teach them to do exactly what we are doing.
Here is the wisdom in building this way… We always want to build relationship with our key people, or most excited people, especially in depth, for several reasons…
#1: We want to make sure the key people are being taught the right system of duplication.
#2: We want to build friendships in depth, especially with key players, or people who are excited, because if “Jane/John” quits the business, that new person is now a friend of ours and would more than likely stay in the business. Mainly because of the relationship and trust we built with that person.
#3: As we build depth and become friends with the key people or the excited people in each leg, there is a great chance that the “Jane’s/John’s” who might not be too excited about their business, for whatever reason, will hang in there a bit longer as we build “Fire Down Below” in their group. This means we are also doing this for the “Jane’s/John’s”, who may or may not be a friend of ours. But remember, we are all business partners.
Why is having “Jane/John” staying in the business so important? We always want to keep as many leaders as possible in each leg, because this creates our security. The more leaders in every leg is the better, and the more credibility in each leg, thus the greater odds that each leg will continue to grow.
Here is the real Gold Nugget… Once we have successfully worked with 4 or 5 leaders in depth whom we know are duplicating exactly what we taught these leaders, we have now created an extremely solid leg of quality leaders. At this point we can call that leg a diamond leg from which we can easily walk away and simply work in, only as a consultant, doing weekly or monthly counseling, as opposed to working in the trenches day-in and day-out as before.
Who is the Sharpest/Key Person?
The sharpest/key person with whom we always want to work with is preferably:
1: A Couple who have it together, together. No baggage.
2: The person with the most credibility.
3: The person who is a community leader, business owner.
4: The person who has shown the most desire, commitment and willingness to be coached.
Ultimately you will agree that building depth the right way is extremely critical. But just as critical is finding a Company with a Compensation Plan which compensates handsomely for building depth. This will always be the best find you can ever make in this Industry.
What if we can offer you a Company which allows you to build a business with only two legs, one on your left and one on your right, while paying you to infinity? And each new person you recruit/sponsor cannot be placed anywhere else but on either your right side/leg, or your left side/leg?
And every new recruit who joins after you from your up-line must also be placed in either their right side/leg or your left side/leg, which must be under you. We call this getting "Love from Above", because the volume from this new person will also be included in your volume, to infinity.
The key here is the fact that with the structure of this Company's Compensation Plan, we are all building depth while also build width, and with the assistance of our up-line. Thus creating major momentum with the size of our group, and our weekly/monthly income. Like we said earlier, getting "Love from Above".No comments yet