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I found this by Accident

To be truthful, I love my HBNaturals business. We have released two new products this month and I am quite happy with the results they bring. But in marketing my HBN business, I stumble on  ProProfit ClubShop. What I liked most about it, is that they help you build your downline and there is a friee trial to let you see how it works, BEFORE you have to commit with any payments. There are several levels of participation, so you can jump in where you feel comfortable, and upgrade if or when you choose to. Within an hour of my starting my free trial, I had two people placed under me, starting their free trial. If they choose to continue with the membership, I will have made back my cost. So I upgraded at that point. At the end of 24 hours I had another on my team. And here it is, just three days later, and I have 6 people on my team. Will they all upgrade? probably not. But if only three of them upgrade and keep their account, I will have made back my costs. I can't promise that you will do the same, but everyone above you will be adding people to your team. And your level of participation, gives you people to place on your team. The monthly fees of the people on your team, will give you residual income!!  But, that's not the end. This is, indeed a Shopping Club. You can shop online at any of the stores and earn rebates. It is international, so there is a lot to offer, no matter where you live. In my case, some of the US stores include Walmart, Harry and David's, Kohl's, andso many others. But they are not random stores. They are stores you shop in anyway!! So why not get paid to shop there? Now income disclosure.

 I cannot promise how much money you will make. We all have to work it. It IS a business. But you owe it to yourself to take a look, and at least take a free trial and see the potential of this program.  Trials are 30 days, so you have time to really sink your teeth into it  before you have to make a decision. You wont be sorry. GIve it a try!!

Yes! I want to see how it works!!

This article was published on 27.01.2022 by Susan Johnston
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